中恒电气(002364) - 2024 Q2 - 季度业绩预告

Topic 1: Financial Performance and Profit Growth - Net profit attributable to shareholders of the listed company is expected to be between 57 million yuan and 70 million yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 423.36% to 542.73%[8] - Net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is expected to be between 25 million yuan and 35 million yuan, representing a year-on-year increase of 289.49% to 445.28%[8] - Basic earnings per share are expected to be between 0.10 yuan/share and 0.12 yuan/share, compared to 0.02 yuan/share in the same period last year[8] Topic 2: Business Revenue and Operational Efficiency - The company's data center power supply business and software business revenue increased year-on-year due to the gradual recovery of downstream customer construction demand[9] - The company has strengthened management and improved operational efficiency, contributing to the performance growth[9] Topic 3: Non-Recurring Gains and Losses - The company's full subsidiary is expected to generate an investment income of 32.68 million yuan from the transfer of equity in a participating company, which is classified as non-recurring gains and losses[5] Topic 4: Performance Forecast and Audit Status - The performance forecast data is preliminary and has not been audited by an accounting firm[8]