叶氏化工集团(00408) - 2019 - 中期财报
YIP'S CHEMICAL(00408)2019-09-11 08:11
葉氏化工 YIP'SCHEMICAL 葉氏化工集團有限公司 Yip's Chemical Holdings Limited 於関曼群島註冊成立之有限公司 Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability 股份代號 Stock Code: 408 user Or Innovating for a Brighter Future 勇於創新 119 Interim Report 中 期 業 績 報 告 服務化 Service Oriente 集團宏圖 CORPORATE VISION 渴才 Thirst for Talents 人和 專注 Respect for and Cooperation with All Undivided Focus on Stakeholders Core Businesses 引以為傲 伸 研發 超前產品 Towards a Century of Undertake Corporate Develop Social Responsibility Revered Leadership Next-generation Pro ...