马可数字科技(01942) - 2021 - 中期财报
MOG DIGITECH(01942)2020-12-17 08:34
H H C N E EYEWEAR ■ METRO OPTICAL GROUP MOG Holdings Limited (於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司) 股份代號:1942 中期報告 2020/2021 OUR VISION HELP THE WORLD SEE BETTER DATO' FRANKIE NG Chairman / Executive Director 拿督FRANKIE NG 主席 / 執行董事 Our Vision is To PROTECT YOUR VISION! We believe everyone deserves to see the best of the world. We aspire to be the one that TRANSFORMS you as a whole, helping you to see, feel, and look better! Our main focus is to provide an exemplary eye care experience through continuous innovation in our product ...