正商实业(00185) - 2023 - 中期财报
ZENSUN ENT(00185)2023-09-11 08:40
The Group has entered into loan agreements with a related company, Henan Zensun Real Estate Co., Ltd.* (河南正商置業有限公司) ("Zensun Real Estate"), which is ultimately controlled by Ms. Huang, pursuant to which Zensun Real Estate will provide unsecured loans to the Group. In the opinion of the directors of the Company, the carrying amounts of the loans approximated their fair values at initial recognition. 16. 來自一間關連公司之貸款 該等金額為無抵押、免息及須按要 求償還。由於正商置業有酌情權可 要求即時還款,故該等款項已列作 流動負債。 17. 股本 Zensun Enterprises Limited 66 正商實 ...