新世纪集团(00234) - 2023 - 年度财报
00234NEW CENTURY GP(00234)2023-07-19 14:14

年 報 2023 ANNUAL REPORT 目錄 Contents | Corporate Information | 2 | | --- | --- | | 公司資料 | | | Group Structure | 4 | | 集團架構 | | | Key Financial Highlights | 5 | | 重要財務撮要 | | | Chairman's Statement | 7 | | 主席報告書 | | | Management Discussion and Analysis | 10 | | 管理層討論與分析 | | | Corporate Governance Report | 27 | | 企業管治報告 | | | Environmental, Social and Governance Report | 52 | | 環境、社會及管治報告 | | | Report of the Directors | 78 | | 董事會報告 | | | Independent Auditor's Report | 97 | | 獨立核數師報告 | | | Consolidated Statement ...