叶氏化工集团(00408) - 2021 - 年度财报
YIP'S CHEMICAL(00408)2022-04-27 08:47
CHEMI 葉氏化工集團有限公司 Yip's Chemical Holdings Limited 於開曼群島註冊成立之有限公司 Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability 股份代號 Stock Code: 408 增添生活姿彩 00 DIRECTION CO ����� POLOCAL BRIGHTENING HOMES and LIVES FOR 年 YEARS 202 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 集團宏圖 CORPORATE VISION 渴才 Thirst for Talents 人和 專注 Respect for and Cooperation with All Undivided Focus on Stakeholders Core Businesses 引以為傲 肩承 研發 社會責任 超前產品 Towards a Century of Undertake Corporate Develop Social Responsibility Revered Leadership Next-generation Products ...