茂业国际(00848) - 2023 - 中期财报
00848MAOYE INT'L(00848)2023-09-12 08:30

Certificates of ownership in respect of certain buildings of the Group with a net carrying amount of approximately RMB147,670,000 (31 December 2022: RMB150,583,000) as at 30 June 2023 have not yet been issued by the relevant PRC authorities. The Group is in the process of obtaining the relevant certificates. 本集團的土地及樓宇乃根據中期租約持 有,並位於中國大陸。本集團為計息銀行 貸款作抵押的土地及樓宇建築詳情載於 附註22(b)。 部分本集團旗下樓宇之房產證仍未從中 國有關部門取得,其賬面淨值於2023年6 月30日約為人民幣147,670,000元(截至 2022年12月31日為150,583,000元)。本 集團仍在辦理相關權證之手續。 (8 023 INTERIM 20 REPORT 中期報告 æ ...