东江集团控股(02283) - 2023 - 年度财报
02283TK GROUP HLDG(02283)2024-04-29 08:36

CURRENT RATIO FOREIGN EXCHANGE RISK MANAGEMENT The Group's major revenue is principally denominated in US dollar, Euro, RMB and HK dollar, and the Group's major expenses are principally denominated in RMB. The Group has not entered into any agreement for RMB hedging purpose. 於2023年12月31日,本集團概無已抵押資產 (2022年12月31日:116,060,000港元的銀 行借貸乃以銀行存款157,138,000港元作抵 押)。 The Group's remuneration policy aims to offer competitive remuneration packages to recruit, retain and motivate competent directors and employees. The Gro ...