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FRANKLIN TEMPLETON· 2024-07-25 16:41
好的线上的各位投资者大家好今天是由我来给大家汇报这个EJR4I专题我是西南医药的分析师刘潇报告呢主要分为这个 三部分一部分是第一部分是肺癌的这个流行病学以及指南推荐的这些基本的情况然后第二部分就是想这个主要讲的就是这个EGFR一线以及这个TK耐药现在大家关注的这些前沿疗法的这些数据啊之类的然后第三部分是 但是因为下周一我们会专门去汇报这个二十外差的这个电话会吧所以今天的话二十外差这部分可能就不再展开了好的然后第一部分首先就是这个一个患病人数的情况然后肺癌呢在20年 在2020年的这个数据上全球和中国的新发人数分别达到了220万人和82万人这样一个年新发患者的数量尤其今年公布的这个最新的这个2022年的中国的肺癌新发人数已经达到了100万人然后从这个 并理分型看的话就是非小细胞肺癌占到了85%到90%剩下的就是这个小细胞肺癌非小里面又可以去分这个临癌 腺癌腺癌和临癌的占比基本上都是40%多但是腺癌好像比临癌要略多一些这个 基因分析平时在不同人种上就是什么各种突变的突变类型就在不同人种上有所区别那我们直接去大家好现在主持人正在调试设备 好的 现在可以了吧刘老师现在好了好的对 因为基因分型不同人种有区别所以我们直接 ...
Mid-year outlook: Sailing through uncharted waters
FRANKLIN TEMPLETON· 2024-07-15 16:00
Perspective from | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------|-------|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | July 2024 | | | | | | | | | | | | Table of contents | | 2 Macroeconomic outlook Sailing through uncharted waters Paul Mielczarski 5 Developed markets fixed income | 9 | High yield credit outlook Positiv ...
Asia’s surge: The semiconductor ecosystem of tomorrow
FRANKLIN TEMPLETON· 2024-06-23 16:00
Perspective from EMEA ETF Investment Strategy Marcus Weyerer, CFA Senior ETF Investment Strategist, EMEA Franklin Templeton ETFs Asia's surge: The semiconductor ecosystem of tomorrow June 2024 This paper explores the integral role of the semiconductor industry in driving technological innovation and economic growth, with a particular focus on Asia's central position within this ecosystem. It delves into the complexities of the semiconductor supply chain, discussing key players such as Taiwan, South Korea, J ...
FRANKLIN TEMPLETON· 2024-05-26 16:17
我是招人权特别分析师张夏不好意思刚才那个系统出了点问题然后这个刚刚接入了登录的时候出现了一个软件突然假死的情况今天我们是汇报一篇之前写了一篇新的报告这个也是我们对风格A股风格的一个理解的一个新的一篇报告 那么众所周知就是A股呢他在做投资的时候最重要的他不是去择时看多或看空嗯行业比较也非常重要但是其实呢就是在做行业比较过程当中呢呃不同的行业具有明显的这种属性啊那么把这种属性的核子让我们把它叫风格实际上我们所有的这个A股啊最重要的一件事情呢是把这个风格或者说资产类型呢给它搞清楚啊这个是事半功倍的 就是说你天天在外面调研啊或者研究啊五千多家上公司你肯定都不可能都研究的完对吧那你研究哪些公司才是有价值的那这个就是需要一套方法论去指导啊也就是说到底我应该在什么时候去选择一个什么样类型的公司那么今天呢我们来讨论一下一种新的资产类型啊就是基于这个FCF和ROE以及DCF的定价模型的策略框架 而这些词看起来有点唬人啊但其实都是我们平时经常用的一些啊比较基本的概念呃这个啊fcf呢就是自由限流free cash flow啊他的核心啊这个大家应该都一般都比较清楚啊就是把这个企业正德的经营性限流金额 减去必要的资本开支和一些正常的这 ...
FRANKLIN TEMPLETON· 2024-03-31 16:00
Emerging Markets Insights Exhibit 1: Emerging Market Country Performance As of March 31, 2024 One-month performance 12-month performance India Taiwan South Korea Brazil Thailand China South Africa Egypt Mexico Qatar Colombia Chile Poland Saudi Arabia Peru Indonesia Turkey Greece Philippines Czech Republic United Arab Emirates Malaysia Hungary Kuwait -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% -40% -30% -20% -10% 0% 10% 20% Sources: FactSet, MSCI. Note: Bubbles size reflect relative market capitalization, ...
FRANKLIN TEMPLETON· 2024-03-31 16:00
In our view, prudent stock selection and portfolio positioning remain critical as investors navigate the push-and-pull effects of lower interest rates. Despite impending rate cuts, interest rates are unlikely to return to the near-zero level during the COVID-19 pandemic. As such, companies with weak balance sheets should not be expected to see improved financial health and sustained earnings growth just on rate cuts alone. Rate cuts may particularly drag on the profitability and shareholder return of the fi ...
A transformative period in Japan
Franklin Templeton· 2024-03-20 16:00
• As the global monetary policy cycle rolls over and many developed economies brace for slower growth prospects in 2024, Japan stands out as a country which has not yet embarked on an interest-rate hiking cycle, and where economic growth is expected to be relatively resilient. A transformative period in Japan Shifting dynamics and the impact on the yen • These dynamics, in our view, have favorable implications for the Japanese yen, which remains undervalued by historical standards. Both cyclical and structu ...
US equity opportunities beyond the Magnificent Seven
FRANKLIN TEMPLETON· 2024-03-13 16:00
US equity opportunities beyond the Magnificent Seven March 2024 Chris Galipeau Senior Market Strategist Key takeaways • High earnings expectations combined with a slowing economy may make the stock market prone to disappointments in 2024. Samir Sinha Senior Analyst • The “dot-com” period, which featured similar index concentration and falling interest rates, offers clues to trends this year. • We see attractive potential in areas that would allow investors to diversify their US equity portfolios beyond the ...