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Shopee· 2024-08-19 01:35
S Shopee 哥伦比亚 市场概览 2024.06 Shopee migration ♧ 坐标 : 哥伦比亚 1 基础信息 2 电商市场规模及相关设施 3 人口特征及消费习惯 4 消费品类 哥伦比亚 基础信息 哥伦比亚 地理:哥伦比亚位于南美洲西北部,是拉丁美洲第三大国 !家,北部是加勒比海,东部与委内瑞拉接壤,东南方是以 :西,南方是秘鲁和厄瓜多尔,西部是巴拿马和太平洋。 气候:赤道横贯哥伦比亚南部,平原南部和西岸沿海为热 带雨林气候,向北过渡为热带草原气候和干燥草原气候。 | 首都:波哥大 官方语言:西班牙语 人口: 约5,187万人口,同比增长0.7%。 宗教: 81%信奉天主教 年龄结构:15-64岁人口占比70%。 国民经济: 2022年 GDP 3,436.2亿美元,排名世界第 44,是拉丁美洲第四大经济体;人均GDP6,624.2美元 位于全球第107名。 对外贸易:中国是哥伦比亚的第二大贸易伙伴和第一 大进口来源地。2023年两国双边贸易额为187.9亿美元, 同比下降16.5%,其中中方出口124.7亿美元,同比下 終20%。 哥伦比亚GDP自2021年开始回弹 5000 亿美元 4000 ...
Shopee· 2024-08-13 03:45
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|-------|--------|--------------------------------------------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | opee # | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 该市\| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 频 " " " | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 第33届夏季奥林匹克运动会 | | | | | | | | _The 33rd Summer Olympic Games 7.26 - 8.11 | | | | | | | | | | | 目录 1 巴黎奥运赛事日程和重要营销节点 2 巴黎奥运IP周边推荐商品 3 奥运赛事相关类目选品推荐 4 奥运相关商品-站点风险提示 Private & Confidential 2 | --- | --- ...
Shopee· 2024-08-10 03:42
Industry Overview - The penetration rate of laptops and desktops in Southeast Asia is expected to continue rising over the next five years, with online sales of laptops projected to reach 56% by 2029 [2][3] - The demand for computer accessories is also growing in tandem with the increasing adoption of laptops and desktops [2] Product Recommendations - Key product categories for computer accessories include office scenarios, gaming scenarios, and DIY computer components [5] - Recommended products for office scenarios include iPad Bluetooth keyboards, office mice, and Mini PCs [5] - Gaming scenario recommendations include mechanical keyboards, gaming mice, and displays [5] - DIY computer component recommendations include SSDs, RAM, and blower-style coolers [5] Advertising and Marketing Strategies - Keyboard and mouse advertisements have a high return on investment, with a 32X ad-to-sales ratio in 2023 [8] - Sellers are advised to increase advertising budgets for core products and set higher commission rates for affiliate marketing (AMS) to achieve a 25% ROI [9] - CPAS (Shopee x Facebook ads) have shown strong performance, with a 25% share of total GMV and a 56X ROI for touchpad and drawing tablet categories [11][12] Localized Fulfillment Recommendations - Keyboards weighing between 800g to 1,500g are recommended for localized fulfillment in Vietnam, Thailand, Philippines, and Malaysia [15] - Laptops are recommended for localized fulfillment in Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore, and the Philippines, with a focus on lightweight, high-performance models [18][19] - Displays are recommended for localized fulfillment in Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia, Philippines, and Singapore, with a focus on high-resolution, eye-care, and high-refresh-rate models [20] Market Trends and Hot Products - In Malaysia, gaming laptops and portable office laptops dominate the market, with prices ranging from $134.2 to $725.6 [26] - In Vietnam, MacBooks are leading the market, with sales showing an upward trend [53] - In Thailand, gaming keyboards and mice are popular, with a focus on cost-effectiveness [67] - In the Philippines, minimalist and stylish keyboards and mice are gaining popularity, with mechanical keyboards remaining a key segment [77] Data Storage and Networking Components - Data storage products with larger capacities and smaller sizes are preferred in Vietnam [127] - Networking components such as routers, optical modems, and data cables are performing well in Vietnam [222] - In Brazil, cost-effective memory sticks, graphics cards, and cooling fans are popular in the computer components category [195]