PennyMac Preferred Shares And The Obvious Lawsuit
PMTPennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust(PMT) Seeking Alpha·2024-08-22 21:43

mashabuba/E+ via Getty Images PennyMac Mortgage Investment Trust (PMT) is a mortgage real estate investment trust, or mREIT. They own some mortgage-backed securities and some mortgage servicing rights. Preferred Shares We are discussing PennyMac today because of the preferred shares. There are three preferred shares from PennyMac. They are PMT-A (PMT.PR.A), PMT-B (NYSE:PMT.PR.B), and PMT-C (PMT.PR.C). The most interesting shares are PMT-A and PMT-B. However, I will also touch on PMT-C briefly. PMT-C is a fi ...