With Increased Volatility YOY Exchange Volumes Are Up Nicely In Q3 2024 To Date
CBOECboe(CBOE) Seeking Alpha·2024-08-30 13:46

F - T T I # 11 SlavkoSereda/iStock via Getty Images Yahoo Finance Volatility Metrics Volatility, as measured by the VIX, is currently averaging 17.0 in 3QTD, up 13% from 16.5 in 3Q23 but and up 21% from 14.0 in 2Q24. Additionally, realized volatility, as measured by daily changes in the closing value of the S&P 500 is tracking at 17.6 in 3QTD, up 37% from 12.9 in 3Q23 and up 39% from 12.7 in 2Q24. | --- | --- | --- | |---------|-------|----------------------------------| | Period | VIX | Volatility \nRealiz ...