Stock Performance - The stock of Visual China Group has surged significantly, recording 7涨停 (limit-up) in 11 trading days, with a cumulative increase of 100.67% and a cumulative turnover rate of 262.23% [1] - As of 10:06, the stock's trading volume reached 174 million shares, with a trading value of 4.928 billion yuan, and a turnover rate of 25.69% [1] - The latest A股总市值 (A-share market capitalization) stands at 20.961 billion yuan, with an A股流通市值 (A-share circulating market capitalization) of 20.227 billion yuan [1] Financial Data - The company's Q3 report, released on October 26, shows a total operating revenue of 608 million yuan for the first three quarters, a year-on-year increase of 5.87%, while net profit was 82 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 33.33% [1] Market Activity - The stock has been listed on the龙虎榜 (Dragon and Tiger List) 4 times due to cumulative涨幅偏离值 (deviation in price increase) exceeding 20% over three consecutive trading days, daily涨幅偏离值 exceeding 7%, and daily振幅值 (amplitude) exceeding 15% [1] - On the龙虎榜,深股通 (Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect)累计净买入 (cumulative net purchase) was 2.1818 million yuan, while营业部席位合计净买入 (total net purchase by brokerage seats) was 695 million yuan [1] Margin Trading Data - As of December 16, the stock's两融余额 (margin trading balance) was 1.174 billion yuan, with融资余额 (financing balance) at 1.168 billion yuan, a decrease of 180 million yuan from the previous trading day, down 13.38% [1] - Over the past 11 days, the融资余额 has increased by 624 million yuan, a growth of 114.63% [1]
VCG(000681) 证券时报网·2024-12-17 02:27