Issuance Details - The offline and online subscription dates for the issuance are both set for January 13, 2025 (T Day), with offline subscription time from 9:30 to 15:00 and online subscription time from 9:15 to 11:30 and 13:00 to 15:00 [1] - The issuance price will be determined directly through the preliminary offline inquiry, and there will be no cumulative bidding inquiry [3] - The minimum subscription quantity for each allotment object in the preliminary inquiry phase is set at 3 million shares, with a minimum increment of 100,000 shares, and the maximum subscription quantity should not exceed 21 million shares [4] - The offline issuance part adopts a proportional lock-up method, with 10% of the shares allocated to each allotment object being locked up for 6 months from the date of listing [16] Subscription Requirements - Offline investors must submit pricing basis and suggested prices or price ranges through the Shenzhen Stock Exchange offline issuance electronic platform before 9:30 on January 7, 2025 (T-4 Day) [5] - Offline investors must report the total asset amount of the allotment object as of the last natural day of the previous month (December 31, 2024) before participating in the preliminary inquiry [6] - Online investors must hold a market value of at least 10,000 yuan in Shenzhen Stock Exchange non-restricted A-shares and non-restricted depository receipts to participate in the online subscription [17] - Online investors must ensure sufficient funds in their accounts by the end of January 15, 2025 (T+2 Day) to fulfill the payment obligation for the subscribed shares [18] Strategic Placement - The strategic placement for this issuance includes senior management and core employees of the issuer, as well as the follow-on investment by the sponsor's related subsidiaries (if applicable) [31] - The strategic placement shares will have a lock-up period, details of which can be found in the "Strategic Placement" section of the Preliminary Inquiry and Promotion Announcement [44] Issuance Process - The issuance will be conducted through a combination of strategic placement, offline inquiry, and online issuance [19] - The issuer and the sponsor (lead underwriter) will disclose the names of strategic placement investors, the total number of shares allocated, the proportion of the total issuance, and the lock-up period in the Issuance Announcement [20] - The issuer and the sponsor (lead underwriter) will decide whether to activate the callback mechanism to adjust the scale of offline and online issuance based on the online subscription situation on January 13, 2025 (T Day) [9] Compliance and Reporting - Offline investors must register and submit verification materials through the Galaxy Securities offline investor reporting system by 12:00 on January 6, 2025 (T-5 Day) [30] - Offline investors must provide the asset scale report and related proof documents for the allotment object as of the last natural day of the previous month (December 31, 2024) [14] - Offline investors must ensure that the total asset amount reported in the Offline Allotment Object Asset Scale Report matches the data submitted on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange offline issuance electronic platform [23] Pricing and Allocation - The issuer and the sponsor (lead underwriter) will determine the issuance price, final issuance quantity, valid quotation investors, and valid subscription quantity based on the remaining quotations, subscription quantities, effective subscription multiples, industry conditions, and market situation after excluding the highest quotations [24] - Offline investors can submit up to three quotations for each allotment object, with the highest quotation not exceeding 120% of the lowest quotation [41] - The issuer and the sponsor (lead underwriter) will remove the highest 1% of the quotations from the preliminary inquiry results [15] Market and Industry Context - The issuer, Shantou Ultrasonic Instruments Research Institute Co Ltd, has received approval from the China Securities Regulatory Commission for its initial public offering of A-shares on the ChiNext market [29] - The issuance is managed by China Galaxy Securities Co Ltd as the sponsor (lead underwriter) [40] - The issuer and the sponsor (lead underwriter) have committed that there are no significant events affecting the launch of the issuance as of the announcement date [47]
汕头市超声仪器研究所股份有限公司 首次公开发行股票并在创业板上市提示公告
Venture(VEMLY) 证券时报网·2025-01-01 18:38