Analyst's Background and Perspective - The analyst has a diverse background, including teaching business, social/political activism, and Middle East politics to international university students in Tel Aviv before the pandemic [1] - The analyst is set to teach business and American Politics at a college in Jerusalem starting fall 2023 [1] - The analyst consults with startups and mid-level companies and co-manages Goldmeier Investments LLC with his son Daniel [1] - The analyst founded Sappanos Decorating Centers in Chicago, which has over 70 employees and real estate holdings exceeding $15 million [1] - The analyst is a former Research and Teaching Fellow at Harvard and an Associate Professor at Tufts Medical School [1] Analyst's Position on ASP Isotopes Inc - The analyst believes ASP Isotopes Inc (NASDAQ: ASPI) deserves a sell rating, particularly for retail value investors seeking safety and security [1] - Some analysts are more enthusiastic about the company's potential, but the analyst's perspective is more cautious [1] Disclosure and Compensation - The analyst has no stock, option, or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned and no plans to initiate any such positions within the next 72 hours [2] - The article expresses the analyst's own opinions, and the analyst is not receiving compensation for it other than from Seeking Alpha [2] - The analyst has no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in the article [2]