Core Insights - Royal Philips, in collaboration with the World Bank and Ukraine's Ministry of Health, is launching a nationwide initiative to modernize stroke and cardiovascular care in Ukraine, addressing the increasing demand for stroke care due to war damage and displaced populations [1][2] - The initiative includes the deployment of 25 Azurion interventional suites across key regions in Ukraine, enhancing minimally invasive stroke treatments and improving patient outcomes [2][3] - Comprehensive clinical training for physicians is a critical component of the program, ensuring high-quality care delivery across the new stroke network [4] Company Overview - Royal Philips is a leading health technology company focused on improving health and well-being through innovation, with 2023 sales of EUR 18.2 billion and operations in over 100 countries [8] - The company has established a partnership with the World Stroke Organization to advocate for increased investment in stroke care infrastructure and raise public awareness [5]
Philips, World Bank, and Ukraine Ministry of Health announce successful deployment of nationwide acute stroke care upgrade, helping thousands of patients