美银:铀矿因俄罗斯禁令,美国EUP 库存增加。 分析日本反应堆重启。
全球碳捕集与封存研究院·2024-07-12 02:15
更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 Global Uranium U.S. EUP inventories up on Russian ban. Analyzing Japanese reactor restarts. Estimate Change Bullish U3O8: U.S. restocking + Japanese demand upside We think that the latest data on U.S. utility uranium inventory and contracting indicate a potential U.S. restocking trend that would add support to our bullish view on uranium (U3O8) prices. We examine the bull and bear cases on Japanese demand and point to fairly material potential upside to demand from this historic ...