研究报告 Research Report 18 Jul 2024 中国食品 China Foods (506 HK) 碳酸业务阶段性承压,低估值高股息值得关注 Carbonated is under pressure, low valuation and high dividends are worth paying attention to [Table_yemei1] 观点聚焦 Investment Focus | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|---------------------| | [Table_Info] 维持优于大市 Maintain OUTPERFORM | | | 评级 | 优于大市 OUTPERFORM | | 现价 | HK$2.80 | | 目标价 | HK$3.54 | | HTI ESG | 2.4-3.4-4.0 | E-S-G: 0-5, (Please refer to the Appendix for ESG comments) | --- | --- | |--------- ...