摩根士丹利:新兴市场展望与战略参考报告 美国大选不确定,新兴市场固定收益持中性立场
美国银行·2024-10-14 14:30
Global Emerging Markets Research 10 October 2024 Emerging Markets Outlook and Strategy Neutral across EM fixed income into an uncertain US election | --- | |----------------------------| | | | Luis Oganes AC | | (44-20) 7742-1420 | | luis.oganes@jpmorgan.com | | J.P. Morgan Securities plc | | --- | |---------------------------------| | | | Jonny Goulden AC | | (44-20) 7134-4470 | | jonathan.m.goulden@jpmorgan.com | | J.P. Morgan Securities plc | l See end pages for analyst certification and important disclo ...