摩根史丹利·2024-06-19 05:31

更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 Note: As the latest period (calendar 2Q) is not complete, the bar is an adjusted intra-quarter data point. Data as of 5/23/2024. M O R G A N S T A N L E Y R E S E A R C H Pg. 13 Company Quotes Pg. 44 M O R G A N S T A N L E Y R E S E A R C H Note: N/A represents insignificant search results or a category that doesn't relate to that sector. Corporate Transcript Mentions—Industry Breakdown Over Last 90 Days: AI and Efficiency Source: AlphaSense, Haver Analytics, Morgan Stanley Res ...