美国银行·2024-07-31 13:59
The rule, an expansion of what is known as the Foreign Direct Product rule, would bar about half a dozen Chinese fabs at the center of China's most sophisticated chipmaking efforts from receiving exports from many countries, according to one of the sources. 据其中一位消息人士称,该规则是所谓的外国直接产品规则的扩展,将禁止位于中国最 复杂芯片制造工作的大约六家中国晶圆厂接收来自许多国家的出口。 Countries whose exports would be affected would include Israel, Taiwan, Singapore and Malaysia. 负责监督出口管制的美国商务部发言人拒绝置评。 外国直接产品规则规定,如果产品是使用美国技术制造的,美国政府有权阻止其销售 ——包括在外国制造的产品。 The U.S. also ...