Group 1: Event Details - The company will participate in the "2024 Guangdong Listed Companies Investor Relations Management Month" event [2] - The online collective reception day is scheduled for September 12, 2024, from 15:30 to 16:30 [2] - Investors can join the event via the "Panorama Roadshow" website [2] Group 2: Communication Focus - Company executives will discuss the 2024 half-year performance, corporate governance, development strategy, and operational status [2] - The event aims to enhance interaction and communication with investors [2] Group 3: Legal Assurance - The board of directors guarantees the announcement's content is free from false records, misleading statements, or significant omissions [2] - The board assumes legal responsibility for the truthfulness, accuracy, and completeness of the content [2]
文灿股份(603348) - 关于参加广东辖区2024年投资者网上集体接待日活动的公告