GS-China_ The Politburo sent clear (and louder) easing signals_Watermark(2)
informs·2024-09-29 16:04

For the exclusive use of ACCOUNTS@KARUNADUCABS.COM approve additional government bond issuance quota on top of this year's budget to support fiscal spending, and believe an additional RMB1-2tn ultra-long-term central government special bond (ULT CGSB) quota is likely. We also lay out some macro catalysts that are relevant for China markets in coming weeks/months. 更多一手调研纪要和研报数据加V:shuinu9870 更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 China: The Politburo sent clear (and louder) easing signals 27 September 2024 | 12:20AM HK ...