中国市场的交易现实 The Trading Reality of China Markets

更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 中国市场的交易现实 The Trading Reality of China Markets 作者:Mikko Zhu(,本文仅作者个人观点,所涉资产无关投资建议。 Disclaimer: The views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not constitute investment advice regarding any assets mentioned. 在我上一篇文章《潘行长的"Whatever it takes"时刻》发表以后,不少国际友人给我发来邮件咨 询更多有关中国市场的问题。本周在人行的超宽松政策措施公布以后,还有政治局会议释放 的有利信号,同时还有一些有趣的人事变动和新的治理目标。 After publishing my previous article, "Governor Pan's 'Whatever It Takes' Moment," I received numerous email ...