世界黄金协会·2024-05-23 01:37

更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 (深度)富裕世界能否摆脱⼈⼜危机? Three decades ago, when women now entering their 40s became fertile, East Asian governments had reason to celebrate. If a South Korean woman behaved in the same way as her older compatriots, she would emerge from her childbearing years with 1.7 offspring on average, down from 4.5 in 1970. Across the region, 更多一手调研纪要和研报数据加V:shuinu9870 更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 policymakers had brought down teenage pregnancies dramatically. The drop in birth rates, which occur ...