彭博行业研究·2024-06-03 01:34

"For the bond market, many things have been positive of late," said Saurabh Bhatia, head of macro strategy and fixed income at Sapient Finserv, adding that the election outcome may give further fillip. "A strong government leads to more fiscal discipline and macro stability. Bonds will rejoice." "对于债券市场来说,最近很多事情都是积极的,"Sapient Finserv宏观策略和固定收益主管Saurabh Bhatia表示,并补 充说选举结果可能会进一步提振。"一个强大的政府会带来更 多的财政纪律和宏观稳定。债券会欢欣鼓舞。 更多资料加入知识星球:水木调研纪要 关注公众号:水木纪要 预计改革驱动的有针对性的支出议程将继续下去,而所有 经济主体的宏观资产负债表健康,预示着更高的趋势增长 路径 Once the elec ...