彭博行业研究·2024-06-05 12:21
It's not just penny-pinching households worried about China's slowdown who are buying less meat during the weekly shop. Consumption is lagging in the services sector as well, with restaurants and factory canteens replacing pork with cheaper proteins to reduce costs, said Pan Chenjun, a senior analyst at Rabobank. 尽管如此,在周期的最后一个低谷清除了许多无法承受更严峻 条件的小农之后,这些天农业部门的健康状况可能会更好,并 且更有能力保持盈利能力。 万神殿宏观经济有限公司(Pantheon Macroeconomics Ltd.)首 席中国经济学家邓肯·瑞格利(Duncan Wrigley)表示,这种整 合使得大型农业企业得以形成,与小型家庭农场相比,这些企 业可以承担更多的风险和投资。 中国矿业公司 ...