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澳能建设(01183) - 2024 - 中期财报
2024-09-23 08:40
WECOM 澳能建設控股有限公司 MECOM Power and Construction Limited ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司 ) 股份代號 : 1183 2024 中期報告 目錄 公司資料2 管理層討論及分析4 簡明綜合財務報表審閱報告 13 簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 14 簡明綜合財務狀況表 15 簡明綜合權益變動表 16 簡明綜合現金流量表 17 簡明綜合財務報表附註 19 其他資料 37 澳能建設控股有限公司 中期報告 20242 公司資料 澳門總辦事處及主要營業地點 董事會 | --- | --- | |---------------------------------|----------------------------------------| | | | | 執行董事 | 澳門 | | 郭林錫先生 (主席) | 宋玉生廣場 258 號 | | 蘇冠濤先生 (行政總裁兼副主席) | 建興龍廣場 (興海閣、建富閣) | | 獨立非執行董事 | 6 樓 Q.R.S 座 | | 陳寶儀女士 | (Units Q, R and S | | 張翹楚先生 | 6/F, Praça Ki ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2024 - 中期业绩
2024-08-28 10:42
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 MECOM POWER AND CONSTRUCTION LIMITED 澳能建設控股有限公司 (於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司) (股份代號:1183) 截至2024年6月30日止六個月 中期業績公告 澳能建設控股有限公司(「澳能建設」或「本公司」)董事(「董事」)會(「董事會」)欣 然提呈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)截至2024年6月30日止六個月(「期 內」)的未經審核簡明綜合業績,連同2023年同期(「上一期間」)的比較數字如下: 財務摘要 • 收益下降6.7%至746.2百萬澳門元(上一期間:800.1百萬澳門元)。 • 毛利下降55.3%至47.5百萬澳門元(上一期間:106.2百萬澳門元),乃主要由 於(i)建設業務項下提供建設與裝修工程;及(ii)鋼結構業務的毛利率減少所 致。 • 純利下降79.1%至8.0百萬澳門元(上一期間:38.2百萬澳門元),乃主要由於 (i)毛利下降;及 ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2023 - 年度财报
2024-04-25 09:02
WECOM 澳能建設控股有限公司 MECOM Power and Construction Limited ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司 ) 股份代號 : 1183 4 澳能建設控股有限公司 年報2023 各位股東: 本人謹代表澳能建設控股有限公司(「澳能建設」或「本公司」)董事(「董事」)會(「董事會」),向各位提呈本公司及其附屬公司(統稱 「本集團」或「我們」)截至2023年12月31日止年度(「年內」或「2023財年」)之經審核的綜合年度業績。 隨著全球環保意識的提升,世界各地政府對電動汽車及充電系統的支持日益增強,令電動汽車的使用及充電系統的需求快速增 加。本集團將緊握機遇,繼續拓展新能源業務,並加速在東南亞市場的佈局,進一步擴大在此領域的參與。同時,本集團將著力 發展所代理的五菱電動汽車及電動電單車的銷售業務,推動綠色能源的應用,提升自身的技術水平,以滿足市場需求及鞏固在綠 色能源領域的競爭地位。 管理層討論及分析 • 澳門路氹一個綜合渡假村內一間酒店綜合體的平台、塔樓及劇院主體結構的結構工程。 管理層討論及分析 於澳門威尼斯人安裝的電動汽車充電樁 於中國安裝的電動汽車充電樁 管理層討論及分析 ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2023 - 年度业绩
2024-03-27 13:42
分部業績 78,290 (5,511) 29,279 102,058 未分配其他收入 89 中央行政開支 (5,738) 分佔聯營公司溢利 6,128 除稅前溢利 102,537 6 (iii) 地區資料 本集團的業務乃位於澳門、香港、中華人民共和國(「中國」)及塞浦路斯。 4. 根據中國企業所得稅法(「企業所得稅法」)及企業所得稅法實施條例,中國附屬公司於兩 個年度的稅率均為25%。 7 本公司擁有人應佔每股基本及攤薄(虧損)盈利乃根據下列數據計算: | --- | --- | --- | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------------------------------|-------------------------| | | | | | 合約資產 | 2023 年 千澳門元 | 2022 年 千澳門元 | | 客戶合約的合約資產 減:信貸虧損撥備 | 114,188 (2,765) | 85,931 (1,619) | | | 111,423 ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2023 - 中期财报
2023-09-25 08:30
簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 15 簡明綜合權益變動表 17 董事會 澳能建設控股有限公司 中期報告 2023 4 本集團是澳門土木工程行業及高壓變電站建設行業的領先企業。本集團承辦高難度且複雜的建設項目,四大業務範疇為建設與裝 修工程;高壓變電站建設及其系統安裝工程;電氣及機械(「機電」)工程服務工程;及提供設施管理服務。本集團亦從事提供電動 汽車(「電動汽車」)相關服務及鋼結構業務,涉及金屬材料的銷售及加工。 機電工程服務工程通常涉及(i)低壓(「低壓」)系統工程;(ii)暖通空調(「暖通空調」)系統工程;及(iii)弱電(「弱電」)系統工程的供應 及╱或安裝、相關測試及調試,以及機電工程服務工程的管理、質量監控及交付。低壓系統工程包括樓宇內的供電及配電方式, 包括電纜、接地、照明系統以及電纜、電線、配電盤、電源插座及其他相關電氣設備的供應及安裝。暖通空調系統工程包括樓宇 可變製冷劑流量空調機組、通風及排氣系統的供應及安裝,以及提供相關管道、風道、空調機組、換氣扇及其他相關設備的供應 及安裝。弱電系統工程包括電話、閉路電視(作保安視像監察用途)以及樓宇內需要傳輸信號的任何其他系統的採購及安裝。 本集團亦有 ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2023 - 中期业绩
2023-08-30 10:09
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 澳能建設控股有限公司(「澳能建設」或「本公司」)董事(「董事」)會(「董事會」)欣 然呈列本公司及其附屬公司(統稱「本集團」)截至2023年6月30日止六個月(「期 內」)的未經審核簡明綜合業績,連同2022年同期(「上一期間」)的比較數字如下: • 收益上升35.1%至800.1百萬澳門元(上一期間:592.2百萬澳門元)。 • 建設業務及鋼結構業務的在手未完成合約價值總額分別為765.8百萬澳門元 (2022年12月31日:742.9百萬澳門元)及550.4百萬澳門元(2022年12月31 日:488.3百萬澳門元)。 * 本集團截至2022年6月30日止六個月的每股盈利已就於2023年6月29日完成的紅股發行作 出調整及重述。 2023年 6月30日 2022年 12月31日 附註 千澳門元 千澳門元 (未經審核) (經審核) 流動資產 存貨 89,342 12,848 合約資產6 156,207 ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2022 - 年度财报
2023-04-25 08:51
Financial Performance - The company's overall gross profit margin decreased from 19.0% in 2021 to 10.5% in 2022, primarily due to increased costs related to employees and procurement transportation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic[9][18] - The company's net profit margin dropped from 13.9% in 2021 to 6.8% in 2022, mainly due to increased administrative expenses and interest expenses from bank loans[10] - Net current assets of the group amounted to MOP 356.3 million as of December 31, 2022, compared to MOP 386.5 million in the previous fiscal year[24] - The group's equity and capital stood at MOP 483.4 million and MOP 27.4 million respectively as of December 31, 2022, up from MOP 447.5 million and MOP 18.4 million in 2021[25] - The group has utilized MOP 102.8 million of the net proceeds for providing performance guarantees as of the reporting date[30] - The group held MOP 34.4 million in pledged bank deposits as collateral for credit facilities as of December 31, 2022, up from MOP 31.2 million in 2021[31] - The group's outstanding bank borrowings stood at MOP 90.6 million as of December 31, 2022, with unused credit facilities of MOP 187.1 million[52] - The group's capital gearing ratio (total debt divided by total equity) was 18.8% as of December 31, 2022, compared to zero in 2021[52] - The group's net proceeds from the global offering amounted to HK$261.6 million (approximately MOP 269.4 million) after deducting underwriting fees, commissions, and related expenses[54] - The net proceeds from fundraising are expected to be fully utilized by December 31, 2023, due to delays in project approvals and permits since 2018, which resumed normalcy in the second half of 2019[55] Business Segments and Revenue - The steel structure business contributed MOP 616.1 million in revenue, accounting for 45.9% of the total revenue, becoming the second largest revenue source after the construction business[12][16] - The company delivered approximately 93,869 tons of steel materials, including rebar, sheet piles, and galvanized sheets, generating MOP 616.1 million in revenue[12][17] - The company's construction business revenue decreased from MOP 911.9 million in 2021 to MOP 724.6 million in 2022, with the construction and decoration engineering segment contributing MOP 448.2 million, accounting for 33.4% of total revenue[16] - The company's electric vehicle business revenue increased from MOP 75,000 in 2021 to MOP 1.2 million in 2022, but still only accounted for 0.1% of total revenue[16] - The company signed memorandums with GSS Energy Limited and Coastal Contracts Bhd. in February 2023 to expand its electric vehicle business in Southeast Asia[14] - The company plans to install 2,500 to 3,500 charging stations (including 75,000 to 105,000 sets of lithium iron phosphate batteries) in Guangdong Province, involving an investment of approximately RMB 200 million[15] - The company's new production base in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province is expected to be operational in the third quarter of 2023, expanding its business scope to include production and manufacturing[4] - The company secured orders for 183,347 tons of steel materials from April 2022 to August 2024, with a total value of MOP 616.1 million[12] - Capital commitment for the construction of a new production and R&D facility in Jiangmen, Guangdong Province, China amounted to approximately MOP 146.2 million as of December 31, 2022[33] Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) - The company is focusing on environmental, social, and governance (ESG) goals, including reducing carbon emissions and improving energy efficiency by 2025[78] - The company has established a three-tier management framework to integrate sustainability into its value chain, overseen by the Board of Directors[76] - The company is closely monitoring compliance with environmental regulations, including noise pollution control and water conservation[82] - The company has identified 14 key ESG themes, including greenhouse gas emissions, waste management, and employee development, aligning with stakeholder concerns and industry trends[81] - The company is committed to enhancing stakeholder engagement and creating value for the broader community through its products and services[79] - The company's ESG report has been reviewed by the ESG working group and approved by the Board of Directors, ensuring compliance with reporting guidelines[81] - Direct Scope 1 greenhouse gas emissions decreased to 38.71 tons of CO2 equivalent in 2022 from 45.44 tons in 2021[85] - Direct Scope 1 greenhouse gas emission intensity improved to 0.00003 tons of CO2 equivalent per thousand MOP of revenue in 2022 from 0.00005 in 2021[85] - Indirect Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions slightly decreased to 23.93 tons of CO2 equivalent in 2022 from 24.44 tons in 2021[85] - Indirect Scope 2 greenhouse gas emission intensity improved to 0.00002 tons of CO2 equivalent per thousand MOP of revenue in 2022 from 0.00003 in 2021[85] - The company's greenhouse gas emissions mainly come from vehicle usage and office electricity consumption[106] - The company implemented dust control measures including covering construction materials, water spraying, and weekly dust inspections[106] - The company encourages subcontractors to use low-sulfur diesel vehicles and conducts regular inspections to ensure compliance with emission standards[106] - The company is transitioning to a paperless work environment through digital operations and encourages double-sided printing and recycled paper usage[109] - The company strictly controls potential hazardous waste from subcontractors and conducts regular pH tests on wastewater[110] - Electricity consumption increased due to the conversion of warehouses into temporary staff dormitories during COVID-19 restrictions[110] - Gasoline consumption decreased to 16,401 liters in 2022 from 19,252 liters in 2021, with gasoline intensity dropping to 0.0123 liters per thousand MOP revenue from 0.0211 liters[130] - Electricity consumption increased to 38,589 kWh in 2022 from 29,802 kWh in 2021, while electricity intensity decreased to 0.0290 kWh per thousand MOP revenue from 0.0327 kWh[130] - Paper waste reduced to 3.41 tons in 2022 from 4.25 tons in 2021[129] - Nitrogen oxide emissions increased slightly to 97.48 kg in 2022 from 95.80 kg in 2021, while sulfur dioxide emissions decreased to 0.24 kg from 0.28 kg[125] - The company promotes the use of energy-efficient appliances, such as LED lighting systems with a Grade 1 energy label[112] - The company has implemented an ISO 14001:2015 certified environmental management system to minimize environmental impact[116] - The company encourages subcontractors to adopt energy-saving policies and use energy-efficient equipment[113] - The company actively monitors subcontractors' environmental performance and conducts carbon emission reviews and environmental impact assessments[126] - The company avoids using ozone-depleting refrigerants like HCFC and promotes the use of environmentally friendly alternatives[128] - The company has implemented energy-saving and water-saving systems, such as energy-efficient motors and multi-speed fans for ventilation systems, water-cooled heat dissipation systems, and condensate collection systems, contributing to global climate change mitigation efforts[132] - The company has established a comprehensive environmental management system, conducting regular environmental assessments to identify potential risks and ensure compliance with legal requirements and contractual obligations[135] - The company has adopted a forward-looking management approach to assess climate change risks and has developed emergency response plans to mitigate the impact of climate-related hazards on its products, services, and operations[136] Human Resources and Employee Management - The group had 281 employees as of December 31, 2022, including 104 Macau residents and 177 non-Macau residents, compared to 295 employees in 2021[34] - In 2022, women accounted for 20% of the board members, 25% of senior management, and 16% of the total workforce, with the company aiming to maintain or increase the current level of female representation[139] - The company has 281 employees, with 235 males and 46 females, and a turnover rate of 38% for males and 15% for females[143] - The company has established a structured recruitment and termination process, ensuring fair evaluation based on interview performance, relevant experience, and academic and professional qualifications[152] - The company has implemented a comprehensive performance evaluation mechanism to determine promotions and compensation based on employees' goal achievement, strengths, and development opportunities[153] - The average training hours completed per employee were 25.7 hours for males and 27.0 hours for females[173] - The company sponsors academic awards and scholarships for 10 outstanding graduates annually, providing MOP 10,000 per recipient[168] - The company collaborated with the University of Macau to develop an intelligent crawling robot platform aimed at improving window cleaning efficiency and safety[169] - The company maintains a certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System under OHSAS 18001:2007[157] - The company has no record of employee fatalities due to work-related incidents in the past three years[160] - The company provides personal protective equipment to construction workers to minimize the risk of workplace injuries and occupational diseases[158] - The company recorded 92 days of lost workdays due to workplace injuries in 2022[160] Corporate Governance and Compliance - The company has no significant contingent liabilities as of December 31, 2022 (2021: none)[56] - The company strictly adheres to local laws and regulations regarding personal data protection and intellectual property rights[178] - No serious violations of service quality or data privacy laws and regulations in Macau were reported during the year[179] - The company maintains a zero-tolerance policy towards bribery, extortion, fraud, and money laundering, with an internal control system to monitor key business activities[181] - Employees are prohibited from having financial or personal interests in transactions between the company and its business partners to prevent conflicts of interest[182] - The company actively engages in community work and encourages employee participation in volunteer services to support underprivileged groups[183] - The company’s Chairman, Mr. Kwok, has over 40 years of experience in the construction industry and founded Hung Yip Engineering in 2000[185] - The company’s CFO and Company Secretary, Ms. Tam, has over 19 years of experience in accounting and auditing, joining the company in 2017[192] - The company’s Board of Directors is committed to maintaining good corporate governance practices to protect shareholder interests and enhance transparency[195] - The board is responsible for overseeing and monitoring the management of business matters and the overall performance of the group[200] - The board has established three committees to oversee various aspects of the company: the Audit Committee, the Nomination Committee, and the Remuneration Committee[200] - The board is responsible for formulating, reviewing, and monitoring the corporate governance policies and practices of the company[199] - The board reviews and monitors the training and continuous professional development of directors and senior management[199] - The board reviews and monitors the company's policies and practices in compliance with laws and regulatory requirements[199] - The board formulates, reviews, and monitors the code of conduct and compliance manuals for employees and directors[199] - The board reviews the company's compliance with the Corporate Governance Code and the relevant disclosures in the annual report[199] - The board is responsible for making all major financial and operational decisions[200] - The board formulates, monitors, and reviews the corporate governance of the group[200] - The board handles shareholder concerns at the general meeting[200] Supply Chain and Quality Management - The company has 85 subcontractors and 47 suppliers in Macau, 4 subcontractors and 20 suppliers in Hong Kong, and 1 subcontractor and 29 suppliers in Mainland China[176] - The company requires all suppliers and subcontractors to operate in an environmentally responsible manner to reduce pollution and waste[162] - The company has implemented strict quality control measures for suppliers and subcontractors, including regular on-site inspections[175] - The company has established a quality management system certified by ISO 9001:2015 to ensure service quality and compliance with relevant standards and regulations[178] - No complaints related to product or service safety and health issues were received during the year[178] Electric Vehicle and Charging Infrastructure - The company's lithium iron phosphate sheet batteries have passed comprehensive safety tests and are fully insured by a renowned Chinese insurance company, with discharge capacity exceeding 90% at -20°C compared to 70% for standard batteries[37] - China's new energy passenger vehicle retail sales reached 5.674 million units in 2022, a year-on-year increase of 90.0%, with projected sales of 8.5 million units in 2023 and a penetration rate of 36%[60] - The company has strategically developed electric vehicle charging infrastructure in the Greater Bay Area, positioning itself to benefit from the explosive growth in demand for charging stations[60] - The company has expanded its electric vehicle charging infrastructure in Macau and Guangdong Province, including the installation of charging cabinets with lithium iron phosphate batteries, primarily serving delivery riders[149]
澳能建设(01183) - 2022 - 年度业绩
2023-03-30 12:17
香港交易及結算所有限公司及香港聯合交易所有限公司對本公告的內容概不負責,對其準確性 或完整性亦不發表任何聲明,並明確表示,概不對因本公告全部或任何部分內容而產生或因倚 賴該等內容而引致的任何損失承擔任何責任。 財務摘要 截至2022年12月31日止年度 年度業績公告 • 本集團於2022年繼續將其現有業務多元化發展,而新業務分部產生收益616.1 百萬澳門元,佔總收益45.9%(2021財年:無)。 • 資本負債比率為18.8%(2021財年:零),銀行借款為90.6百萬澳門元(2021 財年:無)。現金及銀行結餘(包括定期銀行存款)為74.8百萬澳門元(2021財 年:224.8百萬澳門元)。 • 為應付新業務迅速發展及維持本集團的現金狀況作未來發展,董事會並無建 議派發截至2022年12月31日止年度的末期股息。為答謝本公司股東(「股東」) 的持續支持,董事會建議(i)按股東每持有兩股現有股份獲發一股新股的基準 發行紅股;及(ii)按股東每持有十股現有股份獲發一份認股權證的基準發行紅 利認股權證。 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 截至2022年12月31日止年度 (以澳門元(「澳門元」)呈列) 收益 3 1,3 ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2022 - 中期财报
2022-09-22 08:54
POWER & CONSTRUCTION 澳能建設控股有限公司 MECOM Power and Construction Limited ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司 ) 股份代號 : 1183 2022 中期報告 目錄 2 公司資料 4 管理層討論及分析 14 簡明綜合財務報表審閱報告 15 簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 16 簡明綜合財務狀況表 17 簡明綜合權益變動表 18 簡明綜合現金流量表 19 簡明綜合財務報表附註 37 其他資料 1 澳能建設控股有限公司 中期報告2022 公司資料 | --- | --- | |------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------| | 董事會 | 澳門總辦事處及主要營業地點 | | 執行董事 | 澳門 | | 郭林錫先生 (主席) | 宋玉生廣場 258 號 | | 蘇冠濤先生 | 建興龍廣場 ( 興海閣、建富閣) | | 獨立非執行董事 | 6 樓 Q.R.S 座 | | 陳寶儀女士 | (Units Q, R and S, 6/F | | 張翹楚 ...
澳能建设(01183) - 2021 - 年度财报
2022-04-25 08:53
澳能建設控股有限公司 MECOM Power and Construction Limited ( 於開曼群島註冊成立的有限公司 ) 股份代號 : 1183 2021 年 報 .... ONDERBOO Mess i 图 1 澳能建設控股有限公司 年報2021 | --- | --- | |-------|----------------------------| | | 目錄 | | | | | | | | 2 | 公司資料 | | 4 | 主席報告 | | 6 | 管理層討論及分析 | | 22 | 環境、社會及管治報告 | | 38 | 董事及高級管理層的履歷詳情 | | 41 | 企業管治報告 | | 53 | 董事會報告 | | 64 | 獨立核數師報告 | | 71 | 綜合損益及其他全面收益表 | | 72 | 綜合財務狀況表 | | 73 | 綜合權益變動表 | | 74 | 綜合現金流量表 | | 75 | 綜合財務報表附註 | | 140 | 財務概要 | Mest Re 澳能建設控股有限公司 年報20212 公司資料 | --- | --- | |-------------------- ...