自然美(00157) - 2019 - 中期财报
NATURAL BEAUTY(00157)2019-08-29 08:30
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability) (於開曼群島註冊成立之右限公司) 美 麗 源於自然 Beauty from Natural 2019 Interim Report 中期報告 Mission Statement 我們的使命 Natural Beauty is dedicated to cultivate our staff, customers, students and franchisees to appreciate our education, products and services, which are made by the love and kindness of our founder, Dr. Tsai Yen-Pin, who made modern ladies beautiful, confident and wealthy. 我們致力於使員工、顧客、學員及加盟老師們存著一份感恩 的心來到自然美,學習自然美容術及使用自然美產品及服 務,這都是自然美創辦人蔡燕萍博士以愛心砌成累積的成 果,幫助無數女 ...