复旦张江(01349) - 2020 - 中期财报
Fudan-Zhangjiang(01349)2020-09-10 09:00
上海復旦張江生物醫藥股份有限公 司 Shanghai Fudan-Zhangjiang Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. * (Stock Code: 1349) (a joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) INTERIM REPORT 2020 中期報 告 INTERIM REPORT For the six months ended 30 June 2020 上海復旦張江生物醫藥股份有限公 司 Shanghai Fudan-Zhangjiang Bio-Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. * (股票號碼:1349) (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) 中期報 告 截至二零二零年六月三十日止六個 月 * 僅供識別 * For identification purpose only 公司主要財務指標 一、公司主要會計數據和財務指標 (一)五年財務摘要 業績 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | - ...