Financial Performance - Operating revenue for the first nine months of 2024 reached ¥471,201,911.76, a 49.50% increase year-on-year[4] - Revenue for Q3 2024 was ¥205,066,659.35, representing a 101.09% increase compared to Q3 2023[4] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for Q3 2024 increased by 57.52% to ¥14,311,195.11[4] - The company reported a basic earnings per share of ¥0.34 for the first nine months, down 15.81% from the previous year[4] - Total revenue for the first nine months of 2024 reached ¥471,201,911.76, a significant increase from ¥315,175,735.49 in the same period of 2023, representing a growth of approximately 49.5%[24] - Net profit for the first nine months of 2024 was ¥28,764,558.92, compared to ¥30,329,206.28 in 2023, reflecting a decrease of approximately 5.2%[25] - The net profit for the first nine months of 2024 was ¥28,048,676.41, compared to ¥30,136,952.95 in the same period of 2023, indicating a decrease of about 6.9%[26] - The company's total comprehensive income for the first nine months of 2024 was ¥28,022,688.49, down from ¥30,173,428.13 in the same period of 2023, indicating a decrease of approximately 7.1%[27] Cash Flow - Cash flow from operating activities showed a significant decline of 335.58%, resulting in a net outflow of ¥66,266,923.81[4] - The net cash flow from operating activities was -¥66,266,923.81, a decrease of 336% year-over-year, primarily due to an increase in accounts receivable by ¥87.62 million[9] - The net cash flow from operating activities for the first nine months of 2024 was -48,323,658.98, compared to 28,976,060.03 in the same period of 2023, indicating a significant decline[30] - Cash inflow from operating activities totaled ¥443,007,335.59 for the first nine months of 2024, compared to ¥357,853,571.36 in the same period of 2023, representing an increase of about 23.7%[28] - Cash outflow from operating activities increased to ¥484,666,499.86, compared to ¥323,197,323.59 in the prior year, representing a rise of about 50%[30] - The net cash flow from investing activities improved to ¥47,208,971.79, compared to -28,859,797.06 in the same period last year, showing a positive turnaround[30] - Total cash inflow from financing activities was ¥58,084,000.00, compared to ¥15,000,000.00 in the previous year, marking a substantial increase[30] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets increased by 19.51% to ¥792,538,874.54 compared to the end of last year[4] - Total assets increased to CNY 792.54 million as of September 30, 2024, up from CNY 663.18 million on December 31, 2023, representing a growth of approximately 19.5%[20] - Total liabilities increased to CNY 406.47 million from CNY 332.99 million, reflecting a growth of about 22.0%[20] - Total liabilities rose to ¥315,422,499.12, up from ¥274,676,664.07, which is an increase of approximately 14.8%[23] - Shareholders' equity rose to CNY 386.07 million, up from CNY 330.19 million, indicating an increase of approximately 16.9%[20] - The company's equity increased to ¥370,655,485.39 from ¥315,678,571.20, representing a growth of about 17.4%[23] Accounts Receivable and Inventory - Accounts receivable rose by 149% to ¥146,513,980.31, driven by a significant increase in sales[6] - Inventory increased by 93% to ¥99,576,842.05, reflecting higher raw material and finished goods levels due to revenue growth[7] Borrowings and Financial Position - Short-term borrowings surged by 169% to ¥26,964,890.16, indicating increased working capital needs[7] - Long-term borrowings increased to CNY 130.94 million from CNY 105.24 million, representing a growth of about 24.5%[20] - The company reported a decrease in intangible assets to CNY 33.72 million from CNY 35.12 million, a decline of approximately 4.0%[19] Expenses - Operating costs increased to ¥345,549,791.88, reflecting a 67% rise year-over-year, with an increase of ¥139 million[8] - Sales expenses rose to ¥34,110,431.28, a 51% increase from the previous year, with advertising expenses contributing an additional ¥9.39 million[8] - Research and development expenses for the first nine months of 2024 were ¥20,687,231.09, compared to ¥17,868,752.96 in 2023, an increase of approximately 15.5%[24] - The company's financial expenses decreased to ¥2,375,776.79 in the first nine months of 2024, compared to ¥2,987,635.36 in the same period of 2023, reflecting a reduction of about 20.5%[26] - The company reported a decrease in credit impairment losses to ¥-2,736,978.63 from ¥-309,146.78, indicating improved asset quality[25] Shareholder Information - The total number of ordinary shares at the end of the period was 85,800,000, with 32,666,410 shares being freely tradable[11] - The total shareholding of the top ten shareholders accounts for 72.45%, with a total of 62,157,000 shares held[13] - The company has no pledged or judicially frozen shares among the top ten shareholders[14] Future Outlook - Future outlook includes continued focus on market expansion and potential new product development, although specific figures were not disclosed in the call[24] - The company plans to continue expanding its market presence and investing in new product development to drive future growth[26]
芭薇股份(837023) - 2024 Q3 - 季度财报