Financial Performance Forecast - The company expects a net profit attributable to shareholders for 2024 to be between 1,856.07 million yuan and 2,663.06 million yuan, a decrease of 67% to 77% compared to the previous year[2]. - The net profit after deducting non-recurring gains and losses is projected to be between 1,820.55 million yuan and 2,612.10 million yuan, also reflecting a decrease of 67% to 77% year-on-year[2]. - The financial data presented in the earnings forecast is preliminary and will be detailed in the company's 2024 annual report[6]. - The earnings forecast has not been audited by registered accountants, but there are no significant discrepancies between the company and the accounting firm regarding this forecast[3]. - The reporting period for the earnings forecast is from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024[2]. Market Strategy and Innovation - The company emphasizes its commitment to R&D innovation to meet evolving disease prevention needs and aims to accelerate the conversion of innovative technologies into social benefits and commercial value[5]. - Despite some products not meeting market promotion expectations, the company maintains a high market share and clear competitive advantages through product differentiation[5]. - The company plans to continuously optimize its market strategies to better align with market trends and customer demands while managing operational risks[5]. - The company is focused on sustainable development through a virtuous cycle driven by market demand and R&D innovation[5]. Investment Advisory - Investors are advised to make cautious decisions and be aware of investment risks[7].
智飞生物(300122) - 2025 Q4 - 年度业绩预告