康华医疗(03689) - 2021 - 年度财报
03689KANGHUA HEALTH(03689)2022-05-12 08:46

2021 ANNUAL REPORT 年報 廣東 康 華 醫 療 股 份 有 限 公 司 Guangdong Kanghua Healthcare Co., Ltd.* (於中華人民共和國註冊成立的股份有限公司) (A joint stock company incorporated in the People's Republic of China with limited liability) 股份代號 Stock Code : 3689 *僅供識別 For identification purposes only Contents 目錄 | --- | --- | |-------|----------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | 2 | Corporate Information 公司資料 | | 4 | Financial Highlights 財務概覽 | | 7 | The Chief Executive Officer's Statement 行政總裁報告 | | 14 | Manag ...