Revenue and Profit Performance - Revenue for Q3 2021 was RMB 3,781,289,978.57, a decrease of 12.53% compared to the same period last year[5] - Net profit attributable to shareholders for Q3 2021 was RMB -27,337,288.41, a decrease of 143.68% year-on-year[5] - From the beginning of the year to the end of Q3, net profit attributable to shareholders increased by RMB 455 million compared to the same period last year, driven by reduced pandemic impact and improved business performance[10] - Total operating revenue for the first three quarters of 2021 reached 12,505,485,445.93 RMB, a 13.7% increase compared to 10,994,468,539.64 RMB in the same period of 2020[23] - Net profit for the first three quarters of 2021 was 176,378,817.85 RMB, a significant improvement from a net loss of -359,505,859.41 RMB in the same period of 2020[24] - Basic earnings per share (EPS) for the first three quarters of 2021 was 0.16 RMB, compared to a loss of -0.29 RMB per share in the same period of 2020[24] - Total comprehensive income for the first three quarters of 2021 was 50,262,343.86 RMB, a significant improvement from a loss of -437,233,182.49 RMB in the same period of 2020[24] Assets and Liabilities - Total assets as of the end of Q3 2021 were RMB 16,702,892,662.14, a decrease of 3.60% compared to the end of the previous year[7] - Equity attributable to shareholders increased by 9.03% to RMB 4,654,841,117.51 compared to the end of the previous year[7] - Total assets decreased to RMB 16,702,892,662.14 as of September 30, 2021, compared to RMB 17,325,822,304.80 at the end of 2020[18][20] - Current assets totaled RMB 6,587,126,264.60, a slight decrease from RMB 6,699,536,115.73 at the end of 2020[18] - Accounts receivable increased to RMB 2,445,690,366.40, up from RMB 2,337,989,996.85 at the end of 2020[18] - Inventory rose to RMB 1,903,091,675.04, compared to RMB 1,503,682,023.65 at the end of 2020[18] - Fixed assets decreased to RMB 3,498,885,441.18 from RMB 3,810,627,492.14 at the end of 2020[18] - Total liabilities stood at RMB 6,679,228,830.38 for current liabilities and RMB 2,746,942,287.74 for non-current liabilities[20] - Short-term borrowings increased to RMB 2,567,790,515.94 from RMB 2,476,094,106.13 at the end of 2020[20] - Accounts payable decreased to RMB 2,227,889,778.85 from RMB 2,381,359,987.67 at the end of 2020[20] - Long-term borrowings increased slightly to RMB 2,170,189,776.52 from RMB 2,137,758,760.50 at the end of 2020[20] - Total liabilities as of Q3 2021 stood at 11,684,364,620.19 RMB, a decrease from 12,758,709,084.13 RMB in the previous period[21] - The company's total equity (shareholders' equity) increased to 5,018,528,041.95 RMB in Q3 2021, up from 4,567,113,220.67 RMB in the previous period[21] - The company's long-term payables to employees decreased to 1,182,910,048.34 RMB in Q3 2021, down from 1,319,757,611.39 RMB in the previous period[21] - Deferred tax liabilities decreased to 598,008,212.34 RMB in Q3 2021, down from 744,200,899.86 RMB in the previous period[21] Earnings Per Share and Return on Equity - Basic earnings per share for Q3 2021 was RMB -0.03, a decrease of 143.79% year-on-year[7] - Diluted earnings per share for Q3 2021 was RMB -0.03, a decrease of 161.54% year-on-year[7] - Weighted average return on equity for Q3 2021 decreased by 2.09 percentage points to -0.61%[7] Cash Flow and Monetary Funds - The company's monetary funds decreased to RMB 1,029,683,095.87 from RMB 1,503,357,394.77 at the end of 2020[18] - Sales of goods and services received cash of RMB 13,534,889,610.16 in the first three quarters of 2021, a 12.7% increase compared to RMB 12,009,615,416.65 in the same period of 2020[27] - Net cash flow from operating activities was RMB 44,558,938.97 in the first three quarters of 2021, a significant improvement from a negative RMB 60,600,953.03 in the same period of 2020[27] - Cash paid for goods and services was RMB 9,417,628,488.00 in the first three quarters of 2021, a 10% increase compared to RMB 8,560,748,439.74 in the same period of 2020[27] - Cash paid to employees increased by 16.2% to RMB 3,360,862,260.80 in the first three quarters of 2021 from RMB 2,892,360,066.72 in the same period of 2020[27] - Net cash flow from investing activities improved to negative RMB 361,857,744.65 in the first three quarters of 2021 from negative RMB 742,855,859.65 in the same period of 2020[29] - Cash received from investments was RMB 22,272,375.69 in the first three quarters of 2021, a 171.4% increase compared to RMB 8,203,342.12 in the same period of 2020[27] - Cash received from financing activities was RMB 1,639,316,307.35 in the first three quarters of 2021, an 8.7% increase compared to RMB 1,508,128,509.62 in the same period of 2020[29] - Net cash flow from financing activities improved to negative RMB 34,279,447.38 in the first three quarters of 2021 from negative RMB 100,612,673.69 in the same period of 2020[29] - The company's cash and cash equivalents balance at the end of the third quarter of 2021 was RMB 995,101,028.34, a decrease of 29.7% compared to RMB 1,416,315,531.85 at the beginning of the year[29] - The company's cash and cash equivalents balance at the end of the third quarter of 2021 was 10.5% lower than the same period in 2020 (RMB 1,111,757,272.24)[29] Expenses and Subsidies - The decrease in net profit was mainly due to the impact of chip shortages and rising raw material prices, resulting in a profit decline of RMB 90 million compared to the same period last year[10] - R&D expenses increased to 241,800,183.27 RMB in the first three quarters of 2021, up 24.8% from 193,751,840.09 RMB in the same period of 2020[23] - Interest expenses increased to 206,876,323.14 RMB in the first three quarters of 2021, up 7.5% from 192,503,568.19 RMB in the same period of 2020[23] - Government subsidies received during the reporting period amounted to RMB 4,467,428.18[8]
继峰股份(603997) - 2021 Q3 - 季度财报