秀强股份(300160) - 2022 Q4 - 年度财报
300160XIUQIANG GLASS(300160)2023-04-11 16:00

Financial Assets and Investments - The company's total financial assets at the end of the period amounted to 32,941,615.64 yuan, with other equity tool investments remaining unchanged at 5,000,000.00 yuan and receivables financing increasing by 27,833,487.66 yuan to 27,941,615.64 yuan[1] - Restricted assets at the end of the reporting period totaled 961,804,563.64 yuan, including 936,458,452.53 yuan in monetary funds and 25,346,111.11 yuan in accounts receivable[3] - The company's investment amount for the reporting period was 193,918,670.03 yuan, a decrease of 9.44% compared to the same period last year[4] - The company raised 923,999,997.93 yuan through the issuance of 154,773,869 A shares at 5.97 yuan per share, with net proceeds of 914,167,797.56 yuan after deducting issuance costs[8] Subsidiaries and Equity Transactions - The company's subsidiary, Sichuan Yongquan Glass Technology Co., Ltd., reported a net profit of 4,030,655.63 yuan, while Jiangsu Xiuqiang Photoelectric Glass Technology Co., Ltd. incurred a net loss of 102,134.96 yuan[11] - The company completed the deregistration of its wholly-owned subsidiary, Jiangsu Xiuqiang Huishang Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., which reduced the company's total profit by 13,298,000 yuan[13] - The company disposed of its 10% equity in Huohua (Xiamen) Cultural Communication Co., Ltd., completing the relevant industrial and commercial changes[14] Industry and Market Trends - The company's glass deep processing industry primarily uses ordinary glass as raw material to produce various value-added glass products for applications in home appliances, photovoltaic modules, construction, automotive, and electronics[15] - The smart home appliance market in China reached nearly 300 billion yuan in 2021 and is expected to grow to 6,331 billion yuan by 2027[16] - The first wave of home appliance subsidies from 2009-2013 resulted in cumulative retail sales of 298 million units and over 700 billion yuan in sales[17] - Many white goods have exceeded their 8-10 year usage cycle, leading to a potential surge in replacement demand[17] - Local governments are introducing new home appliance subsidy policies to stimulate domestic demand and promote green, smart, and eco-friendly appliances[18] - One-fifth of consumers are willing to spend over 10,000 yuan on high-end kitchen appliances[20] Environmental and Energy Goals - China aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, with a target of 50% rooftop solar coverage for new public buildings and factories by 2025[21][22] - The "14th Five-Year Plan" for Building Energy Efficiency and Green Building Development sets mandatory requirements for installing photovoltaic systems in new buildings[22] - BIPV (Building Integrated Photovoltaics) development is driven by both policy and economic factors, with increasing penetration and national standards expected[22] - The company plans to promote photovoltaic power generation and building integration applications, aiming for a 50% coverage rate of photovoltaic roofs in new public buildings and factory buildings by 2025[25] - The company aims to achieve a renewable energy substitution rate of 8% in urban buildings by 2025[25] - The company targets to complete energy-saving renovations for existing buildings covering more than 350 million square meters by 2025[25] - The company plans to construct ultra-low energy and near-zero energy buildings covering more than 50 million square meters by 2025[25] - The company aims for prefabricated buildings to account for 30% of new urban buildings by 2025[25] - The company targets to add 50 million kilowatts of solar photovoltaic capacity in new buildings nationwide by 2025[25] - The company plans to achieve a geothermal energy application area of 100 million square meters in buildings by 2025[25] - The company aims for the proportion of electricity consumption in building energy consumption to exceed 55% by 2025[25] - The company requires new buildings to install solar systems, with photovoltaic components designed to have a service life of more than 25 years[25] - The company supports distributed photovoltaic projects with a minimum installed capacity of 0.1MW for building-integrated photovoltaic applications[25] Fixed Assets and Depreciation - Fixed assets are initially measured at cost, considering the impact of estimated disposal costs[34] - The annual depreciation rates for fixed assets are as follows: buildings 4.5%, transportation equipment 9.0-22.5%, machinery 3.6-9.0%, and electronic equipment 18.0%[35] - Construction in progress is measured at actual cost, including construction, installation, and capitalizable borrowing costs, and is transferred to fixed assets upon reaching the intended usable state[36] Borrowing Costs and Capitalization - Borrowing costs are capitalized if they are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction, or production of a qualifying asset[37] - The capitalization period for borrowing costs starts when the asset expenditure occurs, borrowing costs are incurred, and activities to prepare the asset for use or sale begin[39] - Borrowing costs are suspended if the construction or production of a qualifying asset is interrupted abnormally for more than 3 months[41] Intangible Assets and Amortization - The cost of right-of-use assets includes the initial measurement amount of lease liabilities, lease payments, initial direct costs, and estimated costs for dismantling and restoring the leased asset[46] - Intangible assets with finite useful lives are amortized over their useful lives, while those with indefinite useful lives are not amortized[48] - The useful lives of intangible assets are estimated as follows: software 2 years, trademarks 2 years, non-patented technology 10 years, patents 10 years, and land use rights 50 years[49] New Energy and Innovation - In 2022, China's new energy vehicle sales reached 6.87 million units, a 96% year-on-year increase, and the number of public charging piles reached 5.21 million, a 92.5% year-on-year increase[52] - The company will focus on innovation and high-end markets, aiming to provide functional and technologically advanced products to create greater customer value and mitigate the impact of rising raw material and labor costs[54] - In 2023, the company plans to enhance automation in production lines to improve efficiency, reduce labor costs, and increase product quality and yield[56] - The company will explore new opportunities in smart home appliances, new energy, and consumer electronics, with a focus on intelligent and high-end products in the home appliance glass sector[57] - The company aims to strengthen its market presence by expanding into new applications of glass processing in smart home appliances, new energy, and consumer electronics, while also targeting international markets such as North America, South America, and Southeast Asia[59] Talent Development and Internal Control - The company will continue to invest in talent development, focusing on performance management reforms, building a high-quality management team, and expanding core teams through internal training and external recruitment[60] - The company will advance the construction of key projects, including the "Smart Glass Production Line Project" and the "BIPV Component Production Line Project," to support future product and market expansion[62] - The company will improve its internal control system to enhance risk management and ensure the effective implementation of internal controls as the business scope and management dimensions expand[63] Risk Management - The company faces risks from raw material price fluctuations, particularly in the cost of raw glass, and plans to mitigate this through refined production management, differentiated sales strategies, and long-term supplier contracts[64] - The company is aware of the risks posed by technological advancements and potential replacements, and plans to stay competitive by collaborating with customers, participating in industry exhibitions, and fostering R&D partnerships with universities[65] - The company maintains a high proportion of R&D investment to drive product innovation and meet customer needs, which is crucial for sustaining growth and competitive advantage[66] - The company is expanding its smart glass and photovoltaic new energy business through external investments and acquisitions, focusing on vertical industry chain integration[68] - The company faces risks of declining gross margins due to intensified international trade friction, market competition, and policy changes, and is addressing this through cost control and market expansion[69] - The company is exposed to macroeconomic fluctuations, including geopolitical conflicts and trade tensions, and is mitigating risks by enhancing product competitiveness and exploring new markets[70] - The company is increasing environmental protection investments to comply with stricter regulations, which may impact profitability, and is upgrading production lines to reduce pollution[71] - The company is exposed to foreign exchange rate fluctuations due to its overseas sales, and is implementing risk management mechanisms to mitigate potential impacts[72] - The company has a robust accounts receivable management system but faces risks if customer financial conditions deteriorate, and is strengthening credit and collection management[73] Investor Relations and Corporate Governance - The company is actively engaging with investors through online platforms to communicate annual performance and strategic updates[75] - The company adheres to strict corporate governance standards and continuously improves its internal control systems to ensure compliance and operational efficiency[78] - The company conducts regular impairment tests on long-term assets, including goodwill and intangible assets, to ensure accurate financial reporting[84] - The company conducts impairment tests on asset groups or combinations of asset groups related to goodwill. If there are signs of impairment, the company first tests the asset groups or combinations without goodwill, calculates the recoverable amount, and compares it with the carrying amount to confirm impairment losses. Then, it tests the asset groups or combinations including goodwill, comparing the carrying amount with the recoverable amount. If the recoverable amount is lower, the impairment loss is first applied to reduce the carrying amount of goodwill, and then proportionally to other assets within the group[85] - Long-term deferred expenses are amortized over their beneficial periods, typically ranging from 36 to 120 months. If the expenses no longer benefit future accounting periods, the remaining unamortized value is fully transferred to current period profits[87] - Contract liabilities are recognized when the company receives or is entitled to receive consideration from customers for goods or services to be delivered in the future. Contract assets and liabilities under the same contract are presented net[88] - Short-term employee benefits are recognized as liabilities and expensed in the period the employee provides services. Social insurance, housing funds, union fees, and employee education funds are calculated based on prescribed rates and bases[90] - The company participates in defined contribution plans, such as basic pension and unemployment insurance, with contributions calculated based on local regulations and recognized as liabilities. It also participates in enterprise annuity plans, contributing a percentage of employee salaries[91] - Defined benefit plan obligations are recognized using the projected unit credit method, with the present value of obligations discounted using high-quality corporate bond yields. Changes in the net defined benefit liability or asset are recognized in other comprehensive income and not reclassified to profit or loss[92] - Termination benefits are recognized as liabilities when the company can no longer unilaterally withdraw the benefits or when restructuring costs are recognized[93] - Lease liabilities are initially measured at the present value of lease payments, including fixed payments, variable payments based on indices or rates, and expected payments for residual value guarantees. The company uses the incremental borrowing rate if the lease's implicit rate cannot be determined[94] - Variable lease payments not included in the lease liability are recognized in profit or loss when incurred. Lease liabilities are remeasured if there are changes in lease terms, such as purchase options or changes in payment amounts[95] - The company classifies components as discontinued operations if they represent a separate major business or geographical area, are part of a plan to dispose of such a business, or are subsidiaries acquired exclusively for resale. Results from discontinued operations are presented separately in the income statement[98] Financial Performance and Assets - Total current assets increased to 2,091,049,973.46 RMB in 2022 from 1,277,599,290.94 RMB in 2021, showing significant growth[106] - Cash and cash equivalents rose sharply to 1,126,711,797.51 RMB in 2022 compared to 168,461,993.59 RMB in 2021[106] - Accounts receivable decreased to 388,750,104.49 RMB in 2022 from 450,213,449.84 RMB in 2021[106] - Inventory reduced to 164,841,447.74 RMB in 2022 from 236,088,890.40 RMB in 2021[106] Employee Information - Total number of employees at the end of the reporting period was 2,498, with 1,796 being production personnel[112] - Educational background of employees: 17 with postgraduate degrees, 170 with bachelor's degrees, and 2,114 with education below college level[112] Accounting Policies and Compliance - The company implemented new accounting policies following the "Accounting Standards Interpretation No. 15" starting from January 1, 2022[102] - The Audit Committee held 4 meetings in 2022 to review financial reports and other important matters[109] - The Strategic Decision Committee approved an additional investment in Sichuan Yongquan Glass Technology Co., Ltd. on June 14, 2022[109] - The company's directors actively participated in decision-making processes, focusing on protecting the interests of minority shareholders[108] - The company's cash dividend policy is clear and compliant with regulations, with a cash dividend of RMB 77,294,629.20 distributed, accounting for 100% of the total profit distribution[117] - The company's total share capital is 772,946,292 shares, with a cash dividend of RMB 1 per 10 shares[117] - The company's 2019 restricted stock incentive plan granted 2,555,000 shares to 80 employees at a price of RMB 1.83 per share[122] - The company's training plan for 2023 focuses on "product upgrade and structural transformation" to build a high-performance team[115] - The company's salary structure includes position salary and performance-based salary, adjusted based on annual evaluations and job changes[113] - The company's welfare system includes basic and incentive-based benefits, with the latter targeting specific employees[114] - The company's profit distribution and capital reserve fund transfer plan are consistent with the company's articles of association[117] - The company's 2019 restricted stock incentive plan was approved by the board and shareholders, with adjustments made to the list of激励对象 and the number of shares granted[121] - The company's 2019 restricted stock incentive plan completed registration on December 12, 2019, with the上市日期 set for December 13, 2019[122] - The company's 2019 restricted stock incentive plan saw the first解除限售期 conditions met in 2021, with adjustments to the回购价格 and回购注销 of部分激励对象的限制性股票[123] - The company recognized deferred tax assets for deductible temporary differences, limited to the amount of taxable income likely to be obtained in future periods to offset these differences[127] - Deferred tax liabilities are recognized for taxable temporary differences, except in special circumstances[128] - Special circumstances where deferred tax assets or liabilities are not recognized include the initial recognition of goodwill and transactions that do not affect accounting profit or taxable income[129] - The company reviews the carrying amount of deferred tax assets at the balance sheet date and writes down the value if it is unlikely that sufficient taxable profit will be available to utilize the deferred tax asset[129] - The company chooses not to recognize right-of-use assets and lease liabilities for short-term leases and low-value asset leases, instead recognizing lease payments on a straight-line basis over the lease term[131] - The company repurchased and canceled 60,000 restricted shares from an incentive object under the 2019 restricted stock incentive plan[134] - The second unlock period for the 2019 restricted stock incentive plan was achieved, and the company unlocked the restricted shares for senior management who met the performance criteria[135] - The company has established a performance-based incentive mechanism for senior management, linking their income to work performance[135] - The company ensures transparent and fair information disclosure, maintaining good communication with investors through dedicated phone lines and online platforms[138] - The company has strengthened internal management and improved corporate governance in line with regulatory requirements, with no unresolved governance issues as of the reporting period[139] - The company has established a comprehensive internal control system to ensure normal business operations and risk management, with an Audit Committee overseeing internal and external audits[140] - The company maintains strong investor relations through various communication channels, including the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's interactive platform and board telephone lines[142] - The company operates independently from its controlling shareholders in terms of business, assets, personnel, organization, and finance, with a complete production, supply, and sales system[143] - The company has an independent financial department with a dedicated team, maintaining separate bank accounts and tax registration from shareholders[144] - The 2021 Annual General Meeting had a 35.45% attendance rate, held on April 11, 2022[146] - The 2022 First Extraordinary General Meeting had a 36.29% attendance rate, held on November 10, 2022[146] - The company's total shares held by directors, supervisors, and senior management at the end of the reporting period were 113,770,279 shares[148] - During the reporting period, a total of 398,900 shares were reduced by directors, supervisors, and senior management[148] - The company's Chairman, Feng Xin, holds 0 shares, while the General Manager, Lu Xiuqiang, holds 46,541,984 shares[147] - The company's independent directors and some supervisors hold 0 shares, maintaining strict independence from shareholding[147] - The company's total pre-tax remuneration for senior management in 2022 was 6.7894 million yuan, with the highest remuneration being 1.7161 million yuan for the General Manager and Director Lu Xiuqiang[156][157] - The company held 9 board meetings in 2022, with key decisions including the approval of the 2022 Q1 report and various other strategic matters[158] - The company's board of directors includes 9 members, with 3 independent directors and 6 non-independent directors, all of whom are currently serving[156] - The company's senior management team consists of 7 members, including the General Manager, 2 Vice General Managers, a Financial Director, and a Board Secretary[157] - The company's board of directors includes members with diverse professional backgrounds, including logistics, finance, and strategic development[149][150][151] - The company's independent directors include a university professor and a professional with a background in accounting and auditing[152] - The company's board of directors includes members with extensive experience in the logistics and shipping industry, as well as in the glass manufacturing industry[149][151] - The company's senior management team includes members with experience in technology development and quality management[155] - The company's board of directors includes members with experience in the financial and investment sectors[150] - The company's board of directors includes members with experience in the logistics and shipping industry, as