阿尔法企业(00948) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 09:10
27. FAIR VALUE MEASUREMENTS OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS | --- | --- | --- | |-------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
中国农产品交易(00149) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 09:09
Due to the nature of the business, the Group will face a moderate environmental risk in case of severe and permanent climate change across the PRC. Such risk may have an adverse impact on agricultural production thereby affecting the revenue of the Group in agricultural produce exchange market operation and property sales. Disposal of the Huai'an Market Interests 流動資金及財務資源 於二零二四年九月三十日,本集團之現金及 現金等額總額約244,000,000港元(二零二四 年三月三十一日:約243,000,000港元), 而總資產及資產淨值分別約4,390,000,000 港 元( 二 零 二 四 年 三 月 三 十 一 日 : 約 4,638,00 ...
信铭生命科技(00474) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 09:03
e) Compliance with Chapter 14 and/or 14A of the Listing Rules and Money Lenders Ordinance f) Amount of loan receivables secured by pledge of collaterals and guarantees, and nature of the collaterals (g) 應收貸款的到期情況 | --- | --- | --- | |-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ...
广骏集团控股(08516) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 09:02
Grand Talents Group Holdings Limited 廣駿集團控股有限公司 由於在GEM上市的公司一般為中小型公司,在GEM買賣的證券可能會較於聯交 所主板買賣的證券承受較大的市場波動風險,同時無法保證在GEM買賣的證券 會有高流通量的市場。 公司資料 獨立非執行董事 吳靜女士(於2024年7月30日退任) 劉玉超女士 廣駿集團控股有限公司 2024 2024 | --- | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | 本報告乃遵照聯交所 GEM 證券上市規則(「 GEM 上市規則 」)提供有關廣駿集團控 | | 股有限公司(「 本公司 」,連同其附屬公司統稱「 本集團 」)之資料,本公司各董 | | 事(「 董事 」)願共同及個別對此承擔全部責任。董事經作出一切合理查詢後,確 | | 認就彼等所深知及確信,本報告所載資料在一切重要方面均屬準確及完整, | | 並無誤導或欺詐成份,且本報告並無遺漏任何其他事實致使本報告所載任何 | | | 夏澤虹先生(主席) 葉 ...
宏安地产(01243) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 09:01
King's Road Project 5 Interim Dividend 中期股息 25 Share Option Scheme 購股權計劃 31 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 簡明綜合財務狀況表 36 Notes to Interim Condensed Consolidated Financial Information 中期簡明綜合財務資料附註 CORPORATE INFORMATION 公司資料 Corporate Information (Continued) 公司資料(續) 0000000 2 Corporate Information 公司資料 22 Disclosure of Interests 權益披露 29 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Profit or Loss and Other Comprehensive Income 簡明綜合損益及其他全面收益表 34 Condensed Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 簡明綜合現 ...
ASIA COMM HOLD(00104) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 09:00
2024 / 2025 經營 營業收入 337,849 338,010 – 歸屬於本公司持有人之溢利 35,816 30,715 17 每股盈利 -基本及攤薄 4.79港仙 4.11港仙 17 於二零二四年 九月三十日 於二零二四年 三月三十一日 變動 百萬港元 百萬港元 百分比 (未經審核) (經審核) 財務狀況 總資產 737 773 (5) 歸屬於本公司持有人之權益 462 445 4 截至二零二四年九月三十日止六個月 截至九月三十日 止六個月 二零二四年 二零二三年 附註 千港元 千港元 (未經審核) (未經審核) 營業收入 5 337,849 338,010 銷售成本 (228,210) (226,273) 毛利 109,639 111,737 其他收益 4,555 3,811 分銷成本 (48,134) (46,305) 行政費用 (11,115) (17,771) 其他淨收益 7,234 504 財務成本 6(a) (4,646) (4,589) 除稅前溢利 6 57,533 47,387 所得稅 7 (21,717) (16,672) 本期溢利 35,816 30,715 歸屬於: 本公司持有 ...
医思健康(02138) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 08:57
EC Healthcare 思 健 康 图 FY202 INTERIM REP Ela Geographical Coverage 地域覆蓋 4 Consolidated Statement of Financial Position 綜合財務狀況表 41 This Interim Report is printed on environmentally friendly paper 本中期業績報告以環保紙張印刷 | --- | --- | |-----------------------------------------------|--------------------------------| | | | | Executive Directors | 執行董事 | | TANG Chi Fai (Chairman) | 鄧志輝(主席) | | LU Lyn Wade Leslie (Chief Executive Officer) | 呂聯烽(行政總裁) | | LEE Heung Wing (Chief Financial Officer) | 李向榮(首席財務官) | | Non-Execut ...
远东发展(00035) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 08:53
West Side Place為位於墨爾本商業中心區(「商業中心區」)之綜合用途住宅發展項目。該項目擁有四幢大廈,提供 約3,000個單位,總可售樓面面積約為2,200,000平方呎及開發總值達約港幣10,500,000,000元。 32 遠東發展有限公司 Perth City Link由西澳洲政府發起,是澳洲其中一個最振奮人心的重建項目,旨在重新連接珀斯商業中心區與娛 樂區。Perth Hub為Perth City Link項目之第一階段,為毗鄰Perth Arena之綜合用途發展項目。其包括Perth City Link之第2及3地段,將提供預期開發總值約港幣848,000,000元之314個住宅單位及將由帝盛經營之約260間酒店客 房。於二零二四年九月三十日,所有住宅單位均已預售。預期該項目於二零二五年財年下半年落成。 (i) 綜合度假村,其由本集團擁有25%權益(周大福擁有25%權益及The Star擁有50%權益),其詳情載於「博彩業 務及設施管理」一節;及 本集團於二零二二年財年推出Queen's Wharf Residences(第五座)。第五座與第四座一街之隔,將包括866個住宅 單位,總可售 ...
国华(00370) - 2025 - 中期财报
2024-12-20 08:44
16. 無形資產 牌照之法律年期為一年,但可以最低成本每年續期。董 事認為本集團將會並擁有此能力持續為牌照續期。本集 團管理層已進行多項研究,包括產品年期研究、市場、競 爭及環境趨勢、以及擴大品牌機會,該等研究表明牌照 年期並無可預見之限制,而預期提供該牌照限制之服務 可於其年期期間為本集團帶來現金流量淨額。 17. INTERESTS IN ASSOCIATES 於二零二四年九月三十日,本集團於以下聯營公司擁有 權益: 18. FINANCE LEASE RECEIVABLES 應收融資租賃款項減值撥備之變動如下: Notes to the Condensed Consolidated Financial Statements As at 30 September 2024, finance lease receivables before allowance for impairment of approximately RMB38,024,000, equivalent to approximately HK$42,073,000 (31 March 2024: approximately RMB38, ...
奥思集团(01161) - 2024 - 年度财报
2024-12-20 08:43
Financial Strategy and Risk Management - The company will focus on reducing risks related to the current situation, closely monitoring store profitability and new customer trends, while maintaining a debt-free financial position[47] - The company remains cautious about the economic outlook, citing ongoing challenges in Hong Kong and US-China trade tensions[73] - The company recognized an impairment loss of HKD 12,006,000 for cash-generating units 1A and 1B, with goodwill fully impaired at HKD 11,429,000[182] - The company's cash-generating unit 1A used a pre-tax discount rate of 15.0% for its value-in-use calculation, down from 21.8% in 2023[179] Marketing and Customer Engagement - The company has increased advertising expenditure as a percentage of revenue to enhance customer engagement, emphasizing its importance in the current environment[48] - Glycel and Eurobeauté brands recorded satisfactory year-on-year sales growth, benefiting from strong performance in the beauty services industry[72] - The company launched new treatments, including the HIFU Gold series in January and plasma exosome rejuvenation therapy in September, to enhance skin tightening and regeneration[69] Corporate Governance and Compliance - The company adheres to the Corporate Governance Code of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and maintaining high governance standards[58] - Directors have full access to relevant company information and can seek independent professional advice at the company's expense, subject to approval by the Audit Committee or the Board[59] - The audit committee is responsible for reviewing corporate governance policies and monitoring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements[105] - The board has adopted a policy allowing directors to seek independent professional advice, ensuring access to independent perspectives[85] Operational Efficiency and Cost Management - Core expenses remained similar to last year, with rental expenses decreasing slightly from 16.9% to 16.2% of revenue due to economic weakness and store closures[67] - Depreciation costs for property and equipment were 4.6%, similar to last year's 4.8%, as the company continued its policy of regular equipment upgrades and store renovations[67] - Employee costs increased due to tight labor market conditions in Hong Kong, but the actual number of employees decreased from 1,073 to 914 after some store closures[67] - Total cash outflows for leases during the year ended September 30, 2024, were HKD 122,257,000, down from HKD 127,920,000 in 2023[189] Investment and Asset Management - The company added HKD 16,274,000 worth of property and equipment during the year, including HKD 9,239,000 for leasehold improvements[187] - The carrying value of property and equipment as of September 30, 2024, was HKD 82,460,000, down from HKD 111,219,000 in 2023[187] - Investment properties in Hong Kong were valued at HKD 192,041,000 as of September 30, 2023[184] - The company's trademarks are considered to have an indefinite useful life and are not amortized, but are tested for impairment annually[177] Board and Leadership Structure - The company's board consists of 6 male members and 2 female members, achieving sufficient gender diversity as of September 30, 2024[93] - The board held 5 meetings during the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, with high attendance rates among directors[97][101] - The nomination committee reviews the board diversity policy periodically, focusing on skills, experience, and potential contributions of candidates[92] - All directors participate in continuous professional development programs to update their knowledge and skills[102] Employee and Workforce Management - The company's workforce is predominantly female, reflecting the nature of the beauty services industry, which primarily serves female clients[95] - The company ensures equal opportunities in recruitment, training, development, and promotion regardless of gender[96] Remuneration and Compensation - Total remuneration for directors and senior executives in 2023 amounted to HKD 14,198,000, with bonuses accounting for HKD 5,544,000[173] - The remuneration committee meets at least annually to review and recommend executive compensation policies[108] Strategic Growth and Innovation - The company plans to continue investing in the latest beauty equipment and technology to maintain its position as a high-end luxury brand[74] - The company aims to provide top-tier services and products, leveraging its reputation and expertise to remain an industry leader[75] Financial Reporting and Judgments - The company's contract liabilities represent obligations to transfer goods or services to customers for which consideration has been received[196] - The company's management made significant judgments in determining the expected unused rights amount for prepaid treatment services[195] Store Operations and Expansion - The company operates 14 Glycel stores in Hong Kong and 1 in Macau as of September 30, 2024[71] - The company has streamlined its organizational structure, with multiple business operations and responsibilities directly managed by executive directors and the CEO[56] Investment Advisory and Portfolio Management - The investment advisory committee provides guidance on investment decisions and monitors the performance of the investment portfolio[110]