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腾景数研· 2024-11-13 16:50
好的 谢谢罗总 感谢各位投资者对藤井科技的关注那么我先介绍一下藤井科技前三季度的业绩情况大家知道藤井科技主营业务是做定制化的各类精密光学元件包括现在有很多组件模组还有关键器件等等的产品的高清技术企业那么我们的下游应用领域是涵盖了宽松性 观星激光、科研、生物医疗、消费类官学以及半导体设备等等这些经验领域那么前三季度呢我们在总的收入这一块呢实现的收入大概是3.3亿元同比呢增长大概是35%那么三季度的这个营收呢大概是1.2亿元同比呢是增长接近51% 那么前三季度的规模经济额呢大概是五千五百多万同比呢是增长百分之七十八三季度这个经济额大概是两千两百多万同比呢是那百分之一百一十那么整个我们在呃收入端的一个呃业务这个增长的一个逻辑其实跟我们 半年报上半年的整个增长逻辑还是比较一致的,主要还是说这个AI专利驱动一下整个高速关东进的元气电需求保证生长,公司进一步抓住这样一个市场机遇,进一步扩大我们在关东进这块的业务规模。 另外一块,我们在半导体设备、生物医疗等等这些新兴应用领域的业务持续开拓,并且这里面的光学模组产品的收入增速较为明显,所以也对我们收入产生了贡献。那么整体我们前三季度的收入,主要是因为这些因素而导致的增加,但 ...
腾景数研· 2024-04-02 16:00
2024年4月3日 美国3月CPI同比小幅上升,或为3.4% 腾景高频和宏观研究团队 010-65185898 | +86 15210925572 联系我们 • 3月汽油价格同比持续上升,天然气价格同比夜维持 上升趋势。美国优质汽油零售价格同比上升0.01%。 核心商品中二手车价格指数同比在小幅回升后再现下 降趋势,同时核心服务中,业主等价租金同比和主要 居所租金同比形成稳定回落态势,仍处于较高位,拉 动核心通胀持续下行,公共交通项造成上行压力,目 前核心通胀降温速度缓慢。 《腾景宏观快报:美国12月 CPI同比小幅上升,或为3.2%》 2024-01-03 《腾景宏观快报:美国2月CPI 同比维持不变或小幅下降,或 为3.1%》2024-03-04 • 美国3月Markit制造业PMI初值升至52.5,高于预期 51.8,创21个月新高,前值52.2;服务业PMI初值为 51.7,低于预期52,创三个月新低,前值52.3。综合 PMI初值为52.2,预期52.2,前值为52.5。美国3月消 费者信心指数由2月的104.8降至104.7,低于预期。 第1页 | ...
腾景数研· 2024-03-05 16:00
CPI and Core CPI Trends - February CPI year-on-year is expected to remain unchanged or slightly decrease to 3.1%[2] - Core CPI year-on-year is projected to decrease by 0.1 percentage points to 3.8%[2] - CPI energy year-on-year is expected to rise by 0.8 percentage points to -3.8%[2] - CPI food year-on-year is expected to decrease to 2.5%[2] Energy and Commodity Prices - Gasoline prices year-on-year increased slightly after a decline in January, with premium gasoline retail prices down by 3.56%[3] - Used car prices, a key component of core goods, showed a downward trend after a brief increase, impacting core CPI[12] PMI and Economic Indicators - February Markit Manufacturing PMI rose to 51.5, the highest since October 2022, exceeding expectations[3] - Services PMI fell to 51.3, a three-month low, while the Composite PMI dropped to 51.4[3] - Consumer confidence index decreased to 106.7 in February after three months of increase[3] Inflation and Monetary Policy Outlook - Inflation is expected to slow in Q1 2024, but core inflation remains resilient, making a return to 2% challenging in the near term[10] - The Federal Reserve may delay rate cuts until June due to persistent inflation and high interest rates[59] Food and Energy Inflation - CPI food year-on-year is expected to continue its downward trend, with a projected decrease to 2.5%[55] - Energy prices, particularly Brent crude, rebounded to $81.67 per barrel by February 27, contributing to a rise in CPI energy[50]