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Why South Korea Should Resist New Digital Platform Laws
ITIF· 2024-12-09 01:38
Why South Korea Should Resist New Digital Platform Laws LILLA NÓRA KISS | DECEMBER 2024 Policymakers in South Korea are weighing a raft of digital market provisions inspired by the EU's Digital Markets Act. Their goal is to rein in allegedly anticompetitive practices by Big Tech firms. But the proposed interventions are unwarranted and risk harming innovation, straining relations with the United States during uncertain times, and opening the door to China. KEY TAKEAWAYS South Korea aims to protect small fir ...
US-India Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index
ITIF· 2024-11-16 01:38
US-India Subnational Innovation Competitiveness Index AMIT KAPOOR, STEPHEN EZELL, MEGHAN OSTERTAG AND SHEEN ZUTSHI | NOVEMBER 2024 For policymakers to bolster the global competitiveness of their nations and regions, they first must know where they stand. This report benchmarks the 87 regions of India and the United States using 13 commonly available indicators of strength in the knowledge economy, globalization, and innovation capacity. KEY TAKEAWAYS The United States claims the top 51 regions, with Califor ...
ITIF· 2024-11-03 17:14
尊敬的各位嘉宾各位投资者大家好欢迎大家参加本次华夏华润商业资产封闭式基础设施证券投资基金2024年三季度的业绩说明会我是本次业绩说明会的主持人也是本基金的基金经理柳岚轩很荣幸能够在此向各位介绍本基金今年三季度的业绩情况并就投资人关心的问题予以解答 下面请允许我介绍本次业绩说明会邀请的嘉宾华润商业资产总经理梅阿敏先生大家好华润商业资产财务负责人诸国陶先生大家好二位好今天的业绩说明会主要包括三个主要环节分别是项目介绍视频管理人业绩说明投资人问答下面我们就用一段视频向大家直观的呈现华夏华润商业rate底层资产的情况 每座城市都有属于自己的明天每座大城里总有一座幻象成为这座城的圆心为更好的城市创造更多想象空间品质给城市更多改变作为行业领先的城市投资开发运营商华润之地 从2004年打造中国首个城市综合体开始始终坚持长期主义不断引领中国商业地产创新发展构建了3加1一体化业务模式经营回报水平保持行业领先华润置地成员公司华润万象生活是中国领先的商业运营及物业管理服务商成功构建消费者业主 租户运营商多方共营生态圈凭借卓越的招商组合推荐能力经济化运营体系能力高品质的顾客服务水平大会员运营和数字化能力成为引领行业推动城市发展的重要 ...
Why Wind and Solar Need Natural Gas: A Realistic Approach to Variability
ITIF· 2024-10-01 01:38
Why Wind and Solar Need Natural Gas: A Realistic Approach to Variability ROBIN GASTER | SEPTEMBER 2024 Wind and solar power will replace consistently dispatchable electricity from fossil fuels with variable and more unpredictable clean energy. Seasonal shifts and annual variations cannot be handled with batteries or other proposed storage solutions like hydrogen. Natural gas will have to bridge the gap for many decades. KEY TAKEAWAYS Solar and wind are growing fast and rapidly displacing coal on the grid. B ...
How Innovative Is China in the Display Industry?
ITIF· 2024-09-17 01:38
| --- | --- | |------------------|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | | | How STEPHEN | Innovative Is China in the Display Industry? EZELL | SEPTEMBER 2024 | | Chinese becoming | companies have become leading innovators i ...
China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading Innovator in Advanced Industries
ITIF· 2024-09-17 01:38
ITIF | INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY | --- | --- | --- | |-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | SEPTEMBER 2024 | --- | --- | |---------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | | | | | China Is Rapidly Becoming a Leading ...
ITIF· 2024-09-14 01:20
How Innovative Is China in Semiconductors? STEPHEN EZELL | AUGUST 2024 Chinese competitors stand about five years behind global leaders in high-volume manufacturing of leading-edge logic semiconductor chips and continue to trail in memory chips and semiconductor manufacturing equipment, although Chinese firms have made inroads in semiconductor design and production of legacy semiconductor chips. KEY TAKEAWAYS China seeks to achieve self-sufficiency in all facets of the semiconductor industry, simultaneously ...
ITIF· 2024-08-22 07:40
How Innovative Is China in Semiconductors? STEPHEN EZELL | AUGUST 2024 Chinese competitors stand about five years behind global leaders in high-volume manufacturing of leading-edge logic semiconductor chips and continue to trail in memory chips and semiconductor manufacturing equipment, although Chinese firms have made inroads in semiconductor design and production of legacy semiconductor chips. KEY TAKEAWAYS China seeks to achieve self-sufficiency in all facets of the semiconductor industry, simultaneously ...
How Experts in China and the United Kingdom View AI Risks and Collaboration
ITIF· 2024-08-13 04:16
How Experts in China and the United Kingdom View AI Risks and Collaboration By Yanzi Xu and Daniel Castro | August 12, 2024 As AI continues to advance, the technology has created many opportunities and risks. Despite significant geopolitical differences, a series of interviews with AI experts in China and the United Kingdom reveals common AI safety priorities, shared understanding of the benefits and risks of open source AI, and agreement on the merits of closer collaboration—but also obstacles to closer pa ...
US Development Financing Needs to Stop Rewarding Nations Whose Policies Harm US Companies and Workers
ITIF· 2024-08-13 04:16
US Development Financing Needs to Stop Rewarding Nations Whose Policies Harm US Companies and Workers ROBERT D. ATKINSON | AUGUST 2024 The U.S. Development Finance Corporation (DFC), which was created to serve counterweight to China's Belt-and-Road initiative, rewards countries whose intellectual property and data policies harm American commercial interests and jobs. That needs to stop. KEY TAKEAWAYS Development financing aims to advance foreign policy goals while helping U.S. firms expand global markets an ...