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腾讯· 2024-07-02 09:10
r 腾讯可持续社会价值报告2023 w w ● AED ● 响应员 ○ 志愿者 0 专家志愿者 (_) 车载AED ◎ 救护车 ☺ 医院 秒 求助者 腾讯致力用产品技术力量解决社会应急问题,构建人与人、人与物之间的紧密连接。 图为打造"5 分钟社会救援圈"艺术概念图。 Tencent 腾讯 4 关于腾讯 腾讯是一家世界领先的互联网科技公司,始终坚持"用户为本,科 技向善"的使命愿景。自 1998 年成立以来,我们一直以创新产品 和服务提升人们生活品质。腾讯于 2004 年 6 月在香港联合交易 所主板上市。 我们的通信和社交服务连接全球逾10亿人,促进他们与亲友联系, 畅享数字娱乐服务和使用生活服务,以及通过安全便捷的支付平 台完成交易。 我们发行多款风靡全球的电子游戏及其他优质数字内容,为全球 用户带来丰富的互动娱乐体验。 我们还提供云计算、广告、金融科技等一系列企业服务,支持业务 伙伴实现数字化转型和促进业务发展。 用户为本,科技向善 一切以用户价值为依归, 将社会责任融入产品及服务之中; 推动科 技创新与文化传承,助力各行各业升级,促进社会的可持续发展。 目录 致辞 | --- | --- | |--- ...
腾讯· 2024-06-17 09:40
Industry Investment Rating - The report highlights the rapid growth of the new energy vehicle (NEV) insurance market, which is becoming a new growth driver in the auto insurance sector [12][35] Core Views - The NEV insurance market is experiencing accelerated growth, driven by the rapid expansion of the NEV market and the diversification of insurance products [12][35] - NEVs differ structurally from traditional fuel vehicles, particularly in their core hardware (battery, motor, and electronic control systems) and software (smart systems), leading to new risk exposures [38][39] - The NEV insurance industry faces multiple challenges, including high premiums, high claim rates, and difficulties in product innovation [32][47] - Insurance technology is empowering the NEV insurance sector, enabling more precise pricing and improved operational efficiency [39][44] Market Overview - The auto insurance market has reached a growth bottleneck, with NEV insurance emerging as a new growth driver [12] - NEV insurance premiums accounted for 11.5% of total auto insurance premiums in 2023, up 3.7 percentage points from 2022 [34] - The NEV insurance market is growing at a much faster rate than the overall auto insurance market, driven by the rapid increase in NEV sales and ownership [35] Structural Differences Between NEVs and Traditional Vehicles - NEVs rely on the "three-electric" system (battery, motor, and electronic control) instead of traditional engines, leading to higher risks such as battery overheating and fire [39][40] - NEVs have higher coverage of smart systems, including advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS) and vehicle networking, which introduce new risks related to autonomous driving and system failures [42][51] - The widespread use of integrated casting in NEV manufacturing reduces vehicle weight but increases repair costs due to the difficulty in repairing aluminum components [44] - The charging infrastructure for NEVs is still underdeveloped compared to the mature gas station network for traditional vehicles, posing additional risks [45] Challenges in NEV Insurance - NEV insurance faces higher claim rates and costs due to the structural differences and higher repair costs associated with NEVs [47][53] - The lack of a mature repair system for NEVs and the high cost of original parts further increase insurance costs [47][53] - NEV drivers may face higher accident risks due to differences in driving habits and the faster acceleration of NEVs [54] - The high proportion of NEVs used for commercial purposes (e.g., ride-hailing) also contributes to higher claim rates [57] Policy and Regulatory Developments - The NEV insurance exclusive policy, introduced in 2021, expanded coverage to include the "three-electric" system and added new risks such as fire accidents [58][60] - The policy introduced new additional insurance options, such as external grid failure insurance and charging pile insurance, to address NEV-specific risks [63][64] - Despite these improvements, the policy still has limitations, such as not covering battery degradation and lacking provisions for battery-swapping models [58][73] Future Trends and Recommendations - The NEV insurance industry is expected to undergo channel transformation, with online platforms replacing traditional intermediaries [65] - Technological innovation, particularly in digital technologies, will continue to empower the NEV insurance sector [65] - Collaboration between automakers and insurance companies is crucial for fostering a new ecosystem for NEV insurance [66] - Further refinement of pricing mechanisms and the development of a safety risk assessment system for NEVs are recommended to improve the industry [74]
腾讯· 2024-05-30 09:20
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |-------------|------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|-------|-------|-------|-------| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Report 2023 | Environmental, Social and Governance 2023 年环境、社会及管治报告 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Tencent 腾讯 1.1 策略与进展 13 98 1.2 环境管治与风险管理 14 1.3 气候战略与行动 102 16 目录 | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | |----------|-------|----------------------------------|-------| ...