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快手· 2024-08-21 04:00
在会议开始之前我们想提醒您今天的会议内容可能包含前瞻性陈述其中涉及诸多风险和不确定性实际结论和结果可能与今天讨论的结论和结果有所不同除法律要求外本公司不承担任何更新此前瞻性信息的义务 有关本会议的所有重要资料包括前瞻性陈述请以公司公开资料或今日早些时候在公司IR网站发布的截至2024年6月30日的2024年第二季度业绩公告为准今天的电话会议中管理层还将讨论某些非国际会议准则的财务指标仅供考虑作为补充但不能替代根据国际会议准则编制的公司财务业绩指标 有关非国际会计财务准则指标的定义及其与国际会计准则财务业绩的对照以及相关风险因素提示请参阅公司2024年第二季度业绩公告今天的电话会议中管理层将用中文作为主要的沟通语言第一部分管理层发言环节第三方传译员将提供英文同声传译第二部分问答环节第三方传译员将提供英文交替传译 翻译仅为提高会议效率若翻译与中文内容有所出入请以管理层的中文原始陈述为准最后除非另有说明所有在电话会议中提到的货币单位均为人民币下面让我们有请音效发言各位好欢迎大家参加快手2024年第二季度业绩沟通会2024年第二季度我们的总营业收入同比增长11.6%至 314亿人民币其中线上营销服务收入和包括电商在内 ...
快手· 2024-08-19 01:35
目录ICONTENTS 电信网络诈骗呈现新特征新趋势 01 持续优化识别能力保护易骗人群 02 全链智能风控精细治理网络诈骗 03 助力警方赋能行业严打诈骗犯罪 04 强化反诈宣传营造全民反诈氛围 05 快手反诈治理报告 PREFACE 最新发布的《中国互联网络发展状况统计报告》显示,截至2023年12月, 我国网民规模达10.92亿人,其中短视频应用用户规模达10.53亿,占中国网民 总数达到96.4%。短视频应用已成为吸引网民"触网"的首要应用。然而,随着 前言 短视频平台成为网络流量的主集散地,短视频平台也成为境内外诈骗分子实施 引流诈骗的重要渠道。 作为日活达3.94亿的内容社区及社交平台,面对手法不断翻新的引流诈骗行 为,快手反诈团队在国家反诈中心、工信部反诈专班等部门指导下,严格按照 《反诈法》等法律法规要求,不断压实平台主体责任,利用人工智能AI和大数据 技术优势,开展大量反诈治理实践,长期与引流诈骗违法犯罪行为展开斗争。 在过去一年,快手重视并加强易受骗人群的识别和提醒工作,通过个性化 定制识别拦截模型,精准识别拦截高发引流诈骗行为,冒充电商物流客服举报 量下降99%,发布反诈提醒1.54亿次 ...
快手· 2024-07-25 16:40
沐人网联席首席周杨久好在感谢大家来参加我们今天下午底部靠AI系列电话会议的第五个电话会议这次电话会议的背景主要是在最近我们看到了海外的开源模型取得了一些比较重大的进展包括在三季度我们应该会看到一些视频模型陆续在上半年的基础上会有一些落地和进展可能会成为未来整个模型发展的一个方向之一所以基于这样一个背景的话我们在这个时点的话是 举办了这么一个电话会议尤其是在现在其实市场整体比较的悲观但是我们看到整个大模型科技应用这块的进展其实还是非常的鼓舞人心的所以我想我们就借这个电话会议的机会去分享一下最新的大模型的一些边界和进展实际上我们希望通过我们的一些分享呢让大家能够感受到现在整个大模型演进的速度包括方向还有一些细节希望能够和大家有一些共同的一些探讨 今天的分享的话其实主要是有两部分一部分的话是先由我来分享一下关于最新的nata最帅的开源大模型那么3.1然后由我的同事张文宇来分享一下关于视频模型的一些跟踪和测试的一些情况最后的话就是我们会有一些文件的时间我想大概会在20到30分钟首先我们来看一下nata最新发布的开源模型那么3.1 这个模型的话是在7月24号昨天发布的堪称是几天为止功能最为强大的开源型大模型它的整个参数 ...
快手· 2024-07-03 01:15
Industry Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly mention an industry investment rating [1] Core Viewpoints - The report highlights the robust growth and health of Kuaishou's pan-knowledge content ecosystem in 2023, with over 1.24 million creators and 340 million interested users [2][3] - Kuaishou's pan-knowledge content has become a comprehensive life encyclopedia for users, covering various topics such as health, science, and law [5][6] - The platform has seen significant growth in live streaming, with a 32% increase in live stream authors and a 96.4% increase in live stream viewing duration [7] - Kuaishou has successfully integrated traditional culture and non-heritage content, with significant engagement and viewership numbers [24][26][27] Content Summary by Sections Pan-Knowledge Content Ecosystem - Over 1.24 million creators with more than 10,000 followers are sharing knowledge through short videos and live streams, reaching 340 million interested users [2][3] - The most popular content types include health science, traditional arts, and science knowledge, with a 15.9% year-on-year increase in video collections [5][6] Live Streaming Growth - Live streaming authors increased by 32%, and live stream viewing duration grew by 96.4% in 2023 [7] - Top live streaming categories include painting tutorials, business registration, and health-related searches [8][9] Creator Demographics and Preferences - Over 1.24 million creators with more than 10,000 followers, a 34.6% year-on-year increase [12] - Younger creators (under 30) focus on science and technology, while older creators (over 30) prefer health and legal content [12][13] User Engagement and Content Preferences - Male users are more interested in pan-knowledge content, with the fastest growth in interest among males aged 41-49 [15] - Nearly 70% of pan-knowledge interest users come from third-tier and below cities [15][16] Financial and Educational Content - Over 60,000 financial creators share their experiences in small business and entrepreneurship, with popular topics including business management and stock market information [19][20] - Educational content sees higher engagement during summer and winter vacations, with different preferences for academic and vocational learning [31][32] Traditional Culture and Non-Heritage Content - Over 1.1 million non-heritage creators, with more than 70% from third-tier and below cities, have released over 6.8 million related videos [24] - Popular non-heritage projects include traditional opera and folk arts, with significant viewership and engagement [25][26] Legal and Military Content - Legal content videos garnered 69.5 billion views in 2023, with popular topics including legal science, marriage law, and labor law [41][42] - Military content saw a 24.9% increase in video comments, with 198.8 billion views, driven by global events and military expert commentary [46][47] Health and Digital Content - Health-related videos saw increased collections, with popular topics including internal diseases, cancer, and cardiovascular health [53][54] - Over 50,000 high-tech digital creators provide product reviews and recommendations, with significant engagement in live streaming and video content [49][50] Educational and Scientific Content - Educational live streams increased by 45.4%, with popular topics including family education, academic exams, and vocational skills [31][32] - Scientific content, including biology, physics, and astronomy, saw high engagement, with popular series like "Where Are the Magical Animals" attracting over 26 million live viewers [39][40]