002385DBN Group(002385) 证券时报网·2024-10-27 11:28

Company Performance - The company's recent cost for fattening pigs is approximately 14.7 yuan/kg, showing a significant decrease compared to last year but only a slight increase of 0.1 yuan/kg compared to July [1] - The increase in cost is mainly due to the purchase of external piglets, which slightly raised the cost for recently slaughtered pigs, along with a slight increase in breeding fees [1] - Other costs such as feed and veterinary vaccines have decreased, with veterinary vaccines showing a smaller decline [1] - Fixed period costs have decreased by about 0.3 yuan due to increased slaughter volume [1] Production and Health - The health condition of the pigs is good, with improvements in various production indicators [1] - Previous production indicators were affected by idle capacity and insufficient biosecurity conditions in some regions, but these are gradually improving [1] Future Cost Reduction - There is significant potential for future cost reduction as production conditions continue to improve [1]