Stock Performance - The stock has been listed on the Dragon and Tiger List three times due to a cumulative deviation of 20% over three consecutive trading days and a daily amplitude of 15% [1] - The stock has experienced six consecutive涨停 (limit-up) sessions, with a cumulative increase of 77.28% during this period [2] - The stock's latest A股总市值 (A-share total market capitalization) is 5.199 billion yuan, with an A股流通市值 (A-share circulating market capitalization) of 4.969 billion yuan [2] Trading Data - During the连续涨停 (consecutive limit-up) period, the stock's cumulative换手率 (turnover rate) was 55.51% [2] - The stock's换手率 (turnover rate) was 0.73%, with a成交量 (trading volume) of 2.5243 million shares and a成交金额 (trading amount) of 36.2495 million yuan [2] - The涨停板封单金额 (limit-up order amount) was 478 million yuan [2] Institutional Trading - Institutional investors had a net sell of 21.2363 million yuan, while营业部席位 (brokerage seats) had a net buy of 58.8977 million yuan [1] Financial Performance - The company's前三季度 (first three quarters)营业总收入 (total operating revenue) was 819 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 15.37% [3] - The company's前三季度 (first three quarters)净利润 (net profit) was 67 million yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 19.20% [3]