中泰证券·2024-10-21 02:03

Investment Rating - The report maintains an "Accumulate" rating for the smart connected vehicle industry [1]. Core Insights - The smart connected vehicle market is accelerating with the initiation of pilot programs for vehicle access and road testing, entering the evaluation phase [6][8]. - Multiple national standards are set to be released between 2024 and 2026, promoting the integration of vehicle, road, and cloud technologies [10]. - The market for smart connected vehicles is expected to grow significantly, with an estimated output of 24.9 million vehicles by 2025 and a market size projected to reach 1.312 trillion yuan by 2024 [14][16]. Summary by Sections Pilot Program Progress - The pilot program for smart connected vehicles is advancing, with nine joint ventures approved for testing and evaluation as of June 2024 [6][8]. - The program consists of five stages: application, product access testing, road testing, suspension and exit, and evaluation adjustment [9]. Standardization - A series of mandatory and recommended national standards will be released from 2024 to 2026, supporting the rapid development of smart connected vehicles [10]. - Key standards include those related to vehicle information security and advanced driver assistance systems, with some expected to be published by 2025 and 2026 [10]. Market Outlook - The smart connected vehicle market is characterized by diverse competition, with a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 16.1% from 2021 to 2025 [14][16]. - Major participants include traditional automakers, new entrants, tech giants, and startups, all contributing to the industry's growth [17][18]. Integration of Vehicle, Road, and Cloud - The integration of vehicle, road, and cloud technologies is being accelerated, with significant projects and collaborations underway [19][21]. - Recent partnerships, such as those involving Mushroom Car Link, aim to enhance smart transportation systems and promote commercial applications of autonomous driving [21][22]. Investment Recommendations - The report suggests focusing on companies involved in smart driving domain control and algorithms, domestic intelligent driving chips, and domestic computing chips [28].