Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for Industrial Bank (601166) [1] Core Views - Industrial Bank's performance in 2024 showed a recovery in growth, with revenue increasing by 0.7% YoY to RMB 212.2 billion and net profit attributable to shareholders growing by 0.1% YoY to RMB 77.2 billion [4] - The bank's asset quality remained stable, with the non-performing loan (NPL) ratio decreasing by 1bp QoQ to 1.07% and the provision coverage ratio increasing by 4.2pct QoQ to 237.8% [4] - The bank's performance exceeded expectations, with management focusing on stabilizing performance and optimizing structure [5][8] Financial Performance and Forecast - Industrial Bank's operating income for 2024 is expected to reach RMB 212.2 billion, with a YoY growth of 0.7% [7] - Net profit attributable to shareholders is forecasted to grow by 0.1% YoY to RMB 77.2 billion in 2024, with further growth expected in 2025 and 2026 at 0.9% and 3.8% respectively [7][8] - The bank's loan growth slowed to 5.1% in 4Q24, while deposit growth accelerated to 7.7%, providing room for optimizing liability structure and reducing costs [8] Asset Quality and Strategy - Industrial Bank's asset quality remained stable, with the NPL ratio at 1.07% and provision coverage ratio at 237.8% in 4Q24 [4][8] - The bank is focusing on optimizing its credit structure, including reducing bill financing, cautious retail lending, and emphasizing key areas such as the five new strategic sectors [8] - The bank's deposit growth outpaced loan growth, providing opportunities to further reduce liability costs [8] Valuation and Peer Comparison - Industrial Bank's current price corresponds to a 2025E P/B ratio of 0.5x, which is lower than the A-share banking sector average of 0.62x [1][13] - The bank's dividend yield is 5.25%, which is higher than the A-share banking sector average of 4.7% [1][13] - Industrial Bank's ROE is expected to be 9.88% in 2024, slightly below the A-share banking sector average of 10.5% [7][13]
INDUSTRIAL BANK(601166) 申万宏源·2025-01-16 09:13