Industry Investment Rating - The report does not explicitly provide an investment rating for the industry [1][2][3] Core Viewpoints - Social registries are fundamental tools for social protection, enabling efficient resource targeting and access to services for vulnerable populations [14] - Over the past two decades, social registries in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) have significantly expanded in coverage, interoperability, and usage, with some countries like Chile, Colombia, and Costa Rica achieving over 80% coverage [15] - Social registries play a critical role in the delivery chain of social protection programs, including identifying eligible populations, tracking social investments, and responding to emergencies [16][17] - Despite advancements, LAC social registries face challenges such as strengthening legal frameworks, improving data quality, and enhancing interoperability [18] Summary by Sections Executive Summary - Social registries serve as inclusion systems, allowing citizens to access social programs and consolidating household data for public policy decision-making [14] - The coverage of social registries has grown significantly, with some countries reaching over 80% coverage [15] - Social registries are increasingly used beyond cash transfers, supporting programs in education, health, and economic inclusion [16][17] - Challenges include legal and institutional strengthening, data quality improvement, and enhancing interoperability [18] Introduction - The World Bank has been working to strengthen social registries in LAC, aiming to reduce knowledge gaps and generate recommendations for improving social policies [20] - The technical note draws on previous World Bank publications and surveys conducted with officials from 17 countries [21][22] Role of Social Registries in Social Policy - Social registries are essential for identifying individuals in poverty and vulnerability, enabling their participation in social protection programs [27] - They support the dissemination, admission, and registration of households, facilitating the evaluation of socioeconomic conditions [35] - Social registries aim to reduce operational complexity by consolidating data, leading to cost and time savings [36] - Information is the primary input and output of social registries, with data collected through surveys, administrative records, and digital interfaces [37][38] Evolution of Social Registries in LAC - Social registries in LAC have evolved over the past four decades, with significant growth in the last two decades [48][49] - Countries like Colombia have achieved 100% population coverage through innovations in interoperability and data exchange [51] - The use of social registries has expanded beyond cash transfers to include education, health, and subnational government programs [63] Role of Social Registries During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Social registries played a crucial role during the COVID-19 pandemic, enabling rapid responses to citizen needs [68] - Countries implemented innovations such as cross-referencing with new data sources and using machine learning for household classification [72] - Interoperability with administrative data was a key strategy for expanding social registries during the pandemic [73] Social Registries in LAC Today - Social registries are assessed based on five dimensions: institutional arrangements, data collection and updating, socioeconomic classification, information systems, and performance measures [80][81] - Institutional arrangements vary by country, with most registries managed by ministries of social development or planning [86][87] - Data collection methods are evolving towards hybrid models, combining self-declaration with administrative data [96][97] - Interoperability is a key focus, with countries like Chile and Brazil leading in data exchange and integration [162][163] Challenges and Recommendations for LAC Social Registries - Strengthening legal frameworks and institutional support is crucial for the sustainability of social registries [194] - Efficient and sustainable mechanisms for data updating are needed to ensure accurate targeting of social programs [197] - Interoperability with other systems, such as disaster risk management, can enhance the effectiveness of social registries [202][203] - Expanding coverage in high-poverty areas and improving communication with citizens are essential for the future of social registries [205][206] References - The report references various studies and publications from the World Bank and other institutions, providing a comprehensive background on social registries in LAC [211][212]
State of the Art of Social Registries in Latin America and the Caribbean
世界银行·2025-01-21 23:08