300130XGD(300130) 海通国际·2024-02-18 16:00

IB clients* 3.9% 2 第二条 盟浪并不因收到此评估数据而将收件人视为客户,收件人使用此数据时应根据自身实际情况作出自我独立判断。本数据所载内容反映的是盟浪在最初发布本数据日期当日的判 断,盟浪有权在不发出通知的情况下更新、修订与发出其他与本数据所载内容不一致或有不同结论的数据。除非另行说明,本数据(如财务业绩数据等)仅代表过往表现,过往的业 绩表现不作为日后回报的预测。 1. FIN-ESG Data is produced by SusallWave Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (In short, SusallWave)'s assessment based on legal publicly accessible information. SusallWave shall not be responsible for any accuracy and completeness of the information. The assessment result is for reference only. It is not for any investmen ...