
Investment Rating - The report maintains a "Buy" rating for the company [26][30]. Core Insights - The European-style crane market is a growing niche, with the company breaking capacity bottlenecks through its Anhui industrial park, which will increase production capacity by 30,000 tons of intelligent material handling equipment [2]. - The company aims to enhance its market share by focusing on product, service, and channel barriers, with a current market penetration of 10%-15% for European-style cranes, which is expected to increase [2]. - Future growth will be driven by overseas expansion and the development of standard cranes, leveraging successful domestic experiences in regions like Southeast Asia and the Middle East [2]. - The company has set ambitious revenue growth targets for 2024-2026, with cumulative growth rates of 35%, 85%, and 155% over the three years [39]. Financial Forecast and Valuation - Projected revenues for 2023-2025 are 2.007 billion, 2.322 billion, and 2.770 billion, with year-on-year growth rates of 7.33%, 15.65%, and 19.33% respectively [30]. - The net profit attributable to the parent company is forecasted to be 183 million, 224 million, and 277 million for the same period, with growth rates of -9.98%, 22.40%, and 23.82% [30]. - The company's price-to-earnings (PE) ratios for 2023-2025 are projected to be 16.08, 13.14, and 10.61 times [30].