Huawei Collaboration - The company collaborates with Huawei in multiple areas including servers, Gauss database, Euler OS, HarmonyOS, and HarmonyOS ecosystem [3] - Actively participates in HarmonyOS transformation for financial systems and designs "pure" HarmonyOS technologies for financial transactions and anti-fraud scenarios [3] Financial Business Expansion - Plans to track the application of pure HarmonyOS, generative AI models, and quantum communication technologies in the financial sector [4] - Aims to expand into the business middle platform field under the "thin core, large middle platform" financial technology architecture [4] Quantum Encryption - Has a fully localized quantum key generation and distribution system for symmetric key management [5] - The system meets GM/T 0028 security level 2 requirements and is already deployed in multiple commercial banks [5] SparkLink Technology - Is a member of the International SparkLink Wireless Short-Range Communication Alliance and recently renewed its 2025 membership [6] - Is collaborating with upstream manufacturers on SparkLink technology development for financial applications [6]
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I2SOFT(830799)2024-12-16 11:31