
本次会议为中国国际金融股份有限公司中金公司闭门会议仅限受邀嘉宾参会未经中金公司和演讲嘉宾出面许可任何机构和个人不得以任何形式将会议内容和相关信息对外公布转发转载传播复制编辑修改等 如有上述违法行为 中兴公司保留追究相关方法律责任的权利This meeting is a closed-door meeting of China International Capital Corporation Limited, CICC, and only invited guests allowed to attend.Without the written permission of CICC and the speaker, no organization or individual is allowed to publish, forward, reprint, disseminate, copy, edit, or modify the meeting contents and relevant information in any form. 各位投资者大家早上好欢迎参加诺斯格2023年年报和2024年的一季报业绩 ...