Waterdrop(WDH)2024-06-06 15:35
最近的投资人和分析师晚上好欢迎参加雪梨公司2024年第一季度业绩发布电话会温馨提示 当前会议正处于录制状态中 以下是本次会议的前瞻性陈述 Potential risks and uncertainties include but are not limited to those outlined in our public filings with the FEC.The company does not undertake any obligation to update any forward-looking statements,except as required under applicable law.Also, this call includes discussion of certain non-GAAP measures.Please refer to our earnings release for reconciliation between non-GAAP and GAAP. 今天与会的公司管理层有公司联合创始人董事财务副总裁兼国际化事业部总经理杨光公司董事保险科技事业群总经理燃伟 ...